
I've never used epsom salts, maybe I will give those a try! The swelling is from pregnancy, so I just assumed that there wasn't anything I could do, but maybe it will help.

I'm a pretty direct person, so the above is pretty much what I said: "Be a damn grownup and eat before you're too hungry!" But you could possibly say it in a more tactful way. Maybe something about how you love spending time with her, but notice that she's a little tense when she's hungry. If you have plans, you can

Yeah, I get irritated when friends (or Mr L) don't take reasonable steps to manage their mood. Mr L and I got into so many fights when we first started dating because he gets "hangry" — low blood sugar = super pissy. And when I finally figured it out, I was like, you're a grown ass man; you don't have diabetes or

Yucky cracking and peeling skin on my heels this summer. It's worse than usual because my feet are swollen. What do I do for this? I've been putting on Vaseline or Neutrogena Swiss Formula at bedtime, but I absolutely refuse to wear socks to bed even though I know that will help because I'm hot as balls already. Other

Don't know if this solves your problem, but I have a recipe for a massive and serious New York style cheesecake that turns out quite well. Problem is that it is really massive — it uses 3 or 4 packages of cream cheese and feeds about 12. Effing delicious, though. Respond back if you want it!

Only since I've been pregnant. Even when my first was a newborn, I tried to "nap when he naps" like everyone endlessly advised, but I couldn't because (a) he didn't nap much, that was part of the problem and (b) I was just too high strung — too tired to sleep, if you know what I mean. So I just spent three months

I have never ever been a daytime napper, but I am 8 months pregnant (with a three-year-old) and I can now nap anytime, anywhere. Sadly, I hardly ever get to use my newfound power because of the aforementioned three-year-old.

Yeah, and if my experience is any guide, credit-card companies are very happy to extend credit to grad students because they think you will be a high earner in future (or more cynically, they think that YOU believe you will be a high earner in future and so are willing to go into debt). Even if, as in my case, you are

BWAHAHAH I had Queensryche quotes on my notebooks because I had (and wore out) the cassette single of 'Silent Lucidity." DEEP.

You can?? Oh, how did I never notice that? This helps a lot!

Nice! My friend was in a public bathroom once with her little daughter, maybe 4 or 5. The daughter chose that moment to demand loudly, "Mommy! Why do you have hair on your vagina??" at top little-kid volume. When they came out and were washing their hands, a sullen teenager washing her hands looked at them and

Second heating pad. It is the only thing that really helps me! If you don't have one, drag your ass to the drugstore and buy one. I got one for maybe $15-20 like ten years ago, and it has been sooo worth it. Mine is a flat sheet about 11x14 that plugs in. It's good for period cramps and also low back pain or what have

Good grief, I think I have a corn. I've never had one before, but there's this place on the side of my foot where my cheapo Old Navy flip-flops cut in, and that spot is all hard and swollen and tender. (Just on one foot, not the other.) What do I do about this? Obviously I need to stop wearing those slaps, but should

I think Dad offered a kiss on the forehead instead. Life with a three-year-old boy is just full of funny penis stories, if you're me, ie immature, and find penises inherently funny. When he became aware of his own, and the fact that Dad has one and Mom doesn't, we began a months-long ongoing dialogue about Who Has A

She owes money all over town, including to known pornographers . . . and that's cool, man, that's cool.

Ah, little kids. Naturally so, so stoned all the time, and yet always willing to argue. :)

I don't think he'll want to hear about all the cute things! I'm pretty sure he won't want to hear about the time when he was taking a bath with his dad, scraped his penis on a bath toy, and then tearfully asked his dad to kiss it and make it better. We'll just tell him about how all his pretend Star Wars character

At least in this context, her indecision makes perfect sense. My three-year-old has apparently just discovered contradiction, because this is half of my day. "Mommy, I want a cracker! No, I do NOT want a cracker. YES, I want a cracker! I want a cracker! No, I do not!" When asked directly if he wants the damn cracker

If I had fb as a teen it would have been a treasure trove of pretentious quotations.

Those things are very variable in quality, even in the same package. Sometimes you get one that's complete shit right away, and sometimes you get a keeper! I urge you, though, to drop 3.99 on yourself and get a new razor. You will notice the difference!