
Harrassing someone for not commenting on photos seems the height of rudeness. My sister is one of those people who "likes" every single post. I "like" very selectively, when a post is genuinely clever or surprising or really important news. Possibly she is hurt that I don't "like" her twenty posts a day about coupons

I know, right? It totally puts you on the spot. It's rude, and it's especially rude to include everyone on your list. I haven't come to your last twenty shows because I hate your band. I'm not coming to this one, either. Give up on me.

I only have a few "theatre people" on my feed and that is too many. Most of them are my husbands friends, so I friended them to be nice, but I don't actually like them very much. I get so many fucking posts about the Les Miz movie and "Come out and support us in our corny low-budget community theatre musical!" and

I totally get nauseous from deep bass sometimes too!

I think I spent about $175 on food today. I went grocery shopping for the week, and then I went to the Reading Terminal Market in Philly and bought two loaves of wonderful bread, an entire pound of Manchego, some Genoa salami, some mixed olives, cookies, whoopie pies, cookie-covered marshmallow thingies, chocolates,

Mr L is a big fan, went and saw it at an IMAX theatre in Atlantic City. He didn't hear about the shooting till afterwards, and it's really shaking him up because he enjoyed the movie so very much, and it rattles him that people died doing exactly what he was doing.

FWIW, I've carried (intermittantly) an Epi pen since I was about 14. I got stung a few times as a kid and each time, I swelled up more — last time, I stepped on a bee, got stung between the toes, and it swelled to my knee in about 20 mins. So they were worried that I might suddenly become anaphalactic, or that if I

Yeah, I'm not sure why there's a season on babies. People have procreative sex pretty much all year.

I really really wanted to do this but Mr L was not on board. Maybe because I kept suggesting "Amazing!" for our new last name. Exclamation mark included. Mr and Mrs Amazing! Even better, now I would officially be Dr. Amazing! He's no fun.

But is it a brand-name test??

I'm going to go right off topic and say that I love Lindy's use of the word "janky." I never hear anyone use it anymore. I think it's a West Coast thing and unknown here on the beknighted East Coast.

I still think it's weird that BMI is the same for men and women. Mr L is your classic Korean peasant stock, short and wide and dense. I can't close my fingers around his wrists. He wears a triple-E wide shoe. Even at his most fit, his chest measurement is in the 40s because of his barrel chest. He's a pure mesomorph

I remember Madonna was shocking because some of the layers were see-through lace and mesh. SOME of the layers! And I remember that video where she is doing a peep-show dance — she was wearing, like, fishnets and a black velvet bodysuit with a very structured sweetheart neckline. OMG THE NUDITY.

Not to sound like An Old (although I am), but I wonder how much of this is due to recent fashion change, like since the late 90s. I was born in the mid-70s, and the popular female media role models I had in the 80s were mostly pretty covered up. Look at the girls in the Breakfast Club: the pretty, popular, bitchy girl

Their chicken nuggets taste like chicken donuts to me. Let me be clear, this is not a bad thing. :) But I don't need them enough to be able to ignore the bigotry. I need Target; I don't need CFA.

LOL at the kicking. I'm 7.5 months and sometimes the kicks are so hard I feel my whole ribcage jerk off balance. My gravity has definitely increased, though!

The big ones I know about from here (Delaware) and my hometown in San Diego are Silpada jewelry, some handbag bullshit that I don't even know the name of because I don't care about handbags, and the food one where you sell overpriced dip mixes.

My son looks exactly like his father. If you put baby pictures of them side by side, no one can tell them apart. It's actually giving me an insane desire to start dressing them alike. No, I don't "dress" my husband but I bet I could somehow coax him into wearing a matching outfit. And then I realize that I've become

Yeah I'm already kind of afraid of water slides anyway because of the potential for Unsolicited Chlorine Douche.

I found invites totally overwhelming — so many choices! — until I realized that NOBODY else gives a shit about them. Bridesmaid dresses: your friends have to wear them, they're a big visible part of the wedding, they're in all the pictures, etc, therefore = big deal. Same with flowers, dress, food of course, all that.