
I do, too — even down to trying to do it in a way that's not offensive in case the guy means no harm. I've read that some attackers exploit that — they put you on the spot, make you guilty for treating them like potential criminals so you let your guard down, and then attack. It is so fucked up.

Most of them are pretty boring to me too. I liked Thor because, well, Thor.

I love you both.

The times I've flown with my son (at ages 6 months, nearly 2 and nearly 3), I have been pathetically grateful to find that the people sitting next to us were parents or grandparents. It's reassuring to know that they understand that kids are not devices that can be shut off, or even rational beings who will react

You know, it barely crossed my mind. I guess I just had faith that it would work. And I was always careful, but I was also one of those women who assumed it would be really hard to get pregnant. When I finally went off the pill and tried, I got pregnant in like ten minutes — both times! Little did I know I was a

It's always been hard for me to properly skip periods because I have what is medically known as a Vengeful Uterus: if you try to bypass a period, she responds with a months' worth of spotting and crazy hormone action. I was on Seasonale for a while but it took a full year to stop spotting between periods; the first

God that is about the worst thing a guy can say. So infuriating and belitting: oh, you have no real grievance, you're just crazy because of your crazy lady hormones. Next time, ask if him he's always that stupid or is he suffering from testosterone poisoning?

Who the hell was menstruating on the Golden Girls?!?

For me this would be a terrible risk factor for workplace violence. I get HANGRY and I would be all over my coworkers like a spider monkey if I'd had nothing all day but kale juice. I would be arrested by the end of Day 2.

I hate having people's fingers in my mouth, like at the dentist. HATE IT SO MUCH, and there's no real way around it for dental hygiene. At least you can avoid having people touch your feet unless you really do have foot problems (or want a pedicure)!

I have a great almost-nude pink which looks nice on toes, and has the added advantage of not being noticeable when it's a month old and all grown out and nasty. OPI Dulce de Leche, if you're interested.

Same. I mean, it can look nice, but mostly it just looks like you have really long toenails. I'm not a huge fan of it on fingers, either, since it's mostly paired with the really long squared-off fake nails that look scary and unhygienic to me.

I wish more people took noise pollution seriously. It's the major reason I could never live in a walkable urban area, despite all the benefits of sustainability and community and good restaurants, etc. I just can't stand to hear loud noise. I used to live on an intersection in a small college town with a fire station

Well, it's impossible to imagine because of the centrality of biological reproduction, but I think if there were a world where women dominated political life in the way men have for the past thousand years — it would look pretty much exactly the same. People are people. I don't buy that women would be more "nurturing"

Well, right now I'm pink all the time because I'm pregnant. And my veins are . . . blue-green? :) By heritage I'm probably on the pink side: German, Polish, Irish, and a little French.

I'm really bad at color matching, so I have no idea exactly what shade of white person I am. I can never even guess if I'm pink-toned or olive-toned or what. This is why I don't buy foundation (apart from the very good reason of not actually wearing foundation).

Commercial veils are SUCH a racket. Unless it has hand-appliqued lace or embroidery, then it's just a couple yards of $3 tulle and SO easy to make. I can never get over them charging like $50 for the simplest veil. I used the lace from my mom's incredibly ugly mantilla-style "waterfall" bouffant veil from 1972 and

Same here. And also took that much time to start appreciating my body for what it is, what it can do and how far it has carried me, rather than waste my time fretting over tiny imagined imperfections.

Um, ok. I actually didn't make any claims about it being fresh, original, or unique. And my point wasn't about uniqueness, but about running with bare breasts.

My friend who is tiny and chesty calls herself a Weeble Wobble ("Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!")