
I had ZERO experience doing any kind of club dancing until after college, and then experienced "grinding" mainly as "creepy guy comes up behind me and rubs his erection into my ass without any prior eye contact" in skeevy clubs, so no, it's not particularly attractive.

I had never heard of this. I'm sorry you have gone through all that! This might be useful info in our decision whether to go with a tubal ligation or a vasectomy for Mr L. I strongly suspect that an intervention in the less complicated system (ie his testicles) would be the way to go!

I'm expecting my second child in September, and this is our last planned child. But I still find myself a bit leery of sterilization — specifically, the tubal ligation that I could have done at the same time as my scheduled C section. I know I don't want any more kids, but I have this morbid feeling that if we were to

Your ovaries make a tiny but delicious omelet.

Ahh, Sleeping Beauty. I read those in junior high when my older sister acquired them. I think one of the reasons I became a very fast reader is so that I could more easily read other people's books without permission and before they even noticed they were gone!

Since it's coming from a publicist, I would assume "all natural" to mean whatever. Probably a vaginal delivery, with or without drugs.

They were slender, well-dressed, and were having a conversation about whether some people should or should not wear bikinis. By "looked" I meant "looked and sounded." And I know and believe that not all slender, upper-class women are invested in body policing, but it's been my clear experience that many of them do.

You would totally think so, right? But there was just something about the tone that felt really bitchy.

That's totally how I took it — that poor woman has been listening to that kind of crap from her mother her whole life and is now stuck with all this terrible anxiety about what bodies should look like. I'm super glad that my mother has NEVER been like that!

I have a kid and am cooking another and I still suspect that babies are better rented than owned. Holding other people's babies is lovely, especially when you can hand them off when they scream or poop!

If she likes house museums and antique furniture and gardens, Winterthur, in northern DE, is really lovely. http://www.winterthur.org/

Yay!!! I posted earlier about how I'm wearing a bikini while similarly sized AND hugely pregnant to boot. One borderline bitchy comment is all I've heard. I used to wear bikinis when I was thinner, but have been wearing tankinis for the past few years because I'm sensitive about my body. Eff that noise! Bikinis are SO

Not a doctor, but I think you are good if you take it within a two-or-three hour time frame. I think the strict time thing is more about helping people remember to take it every day. Carefully read the directions that come with the pill pack; it lays out guidelines for if you miss a pill, depending on the cycle day. I

Ha! I'm not Southern, so I'm not sure I could infuse the phrase with the proper degree of honey-coated venom.

So I haven't been on Jezebel much since The Change, but I have to tell you all about the possible public body-shaming I received at Sesame Place last week! I was there with my husband and 3 year old, and I'm 7 months pregnant. I'm wearing a bikini, because I have no patience to tug a tankini top over my tummy all day,

Oh, thank you so much!! I have been pining for it so. :)

Hey all! Can anyone tell me how to get to Groupthink? I used to click on the Forums link at the bottom of the page but it's gone.

My dad once gave us some kind of tiny super-hot fresh chile and told us they were a new kind of strawberry. My father has a _cruel_ sense of humor!

"The mailman" is my family's standard answer to the question why the three siblings have, respectively, red, brown, and blond hair. We actually do have similarities in the face, but our hair is all over the place! But I consider myself the luckiest with brown hair because my sister and brother are both going very

It totally is genetic. I've got A-B cups (depending on my weight) that have been saggy since I was 13. Not saggy per se, but low-set, droopy, and downward-pointing, which works out to the same thing. Despite my relative smallness, I would never go out braless for that reason. However, now at 35 and having breastfed,