
It's not quite as global, but I dislike all forms of mushrooms, ESPECIALLY truffles, and I feel like such a baby when half the items on the fancy restaurant menu are instantly disqualified for me because they've been tainted with the vile fungus. It's embarrassing because I'm otherwise a pretty hardcore foodie and

My parents got married at 20 and started procreating (accidentally!) very soon after that. I would never recommend to anyone to get married/have kids so young (they were pretty broke for most of our childhood and neither finished college), but there were definite perks. My mom was done with having kids (4 pregnancies)

You forgot "Ugh! Babies are gross/make your body gross" and "OMG did you know you poop during labor?!?!?" I know this article isn't specifically about labor but that one comes up EVERY time.

I am a halfway decent seamstress; I bet I can chop off a $15 Old Navy tank and sew some thin elastic along the bottom! This is also an excellent idea because I'm 7 months pregnant and HUGE and need coverage for my huge new D-cups without any extra sweaty layers over my belly!

That Demi thing is brilliant. I have small boobs but like wide necks, so everything is always too low cut on me, and I hate having to layer. But why do they cost $30 for a half of a cami??

Thanks! My dad almost died from internal injuries but he's fine now.

Shouldn't he take his cap off before using headphones? Seems to kind of defeat the purpose of headphones.

My parents got into a terrible accident on the way home from the grocery store (not their fault; they were hit head-on by a teenager in a pickup who was trying to find a cd on the floor of his cab while driving). My brother, who lives nearby, eventually recieved a voicemail from my mom: "We were in an accident and are

My dad was in the hospital waiting room watching a rerun of Andy Griffith when I was born in 1976.

Everyone knows Gandalf the Grey lost his edge from hitting the pipeweed too much.

I need this because I'm pregnant and need to sleep on my side because otherwise the weight of my enormous uterus crushes everything else in my abdomen and I get a stomachache. But I'm naturally a back-sleeper, so all night long I go to sleep on my side and wake up on my back very uncomfortable. Not sure I'm down with

Lidocaine, YES!

You totally can get sun damage through glass; here's proof. This guy was a lifelong truck driver. Note the damage on his left (window side in the US).

I get rationally angry about people abusing the concept of service animals so they can bring their fucking pets everywhere they go because they're too entitled to put them in a crate like everyone else. Also about people who dye animals' fur.

An interesting question! I live on the East Coast so it's too humid for them with me. She lives in Southern Cal and hibernates them for the winter in cardboard boxes in the garage. I don't think that would fly here in the East unless I want defrosting tortoise popsicles in the spring . . .

My mom keeps giant desert tortoises (doesn't everyone's mom??) and she says they look like dinosaurs when they eat! They like kale, lettuce and strawberries.

Our couches have all been secondhand from family; I'd be (probably irrationally) afraid of getting bedbugs from a Craigslist couch!

We can handle a certain amount of repairs, but I'm not sure we can take on payments for a new car. I'm unemployed starting in September and the baby is due mid-Sept, and I'm going to be staying home with our kids for the semester. Which means we could theoretically get along with just one car (ie my 13 year old Honda

In good news: I was a bridesmaid in a wedding today, and I looked like the giant sweaty untoned whale of a pregnant bm that I am. But I got a beautiful updo that made me look really nice, from the chin up at least. :) And several ladies made a point to tell me I looked beautiful, which I do not believe for a minute

I was going to fix my typo but I kind of like the sound of "Goddmamnit."