I mean, if you’re married to someone who prioritizes Fortnite over you, divorce is probably a pretty good option.
I mean, if you’re married to someone who prioritizes Fortnite over you, divorce is probably a pretty good option.
I’ve gotten really good at just automatically blocking assholes in an attempt to keep Twitter less maddening, and I admit that I don’t help the situation by being militantly anti-Trump and voicing that pretty regularly. But I have noticed that I’ve had to block a lot fewer people lately. Maybe I should test it…
When I first opened my Twitter account a few years back I used it for maybe 5 minutes and just happened to drop my phone and crack the screen. Got a new phone a few hours later and forgot to install Twitter. Two months later I remembered about my account, signed in on the web app and my account had been overtaken by…
Sometimes I think that’s the endgame of it. Only reason I haven’t deleted my account is that I don’t want anyone appropriating and using my name on it. It can stay locked indefinitely.
I started off with deleting the Twitter app. That was my first step toward jettisoning that awful shit-farm from my life.
I had a twitter account that I used maybe 10x over the last five years. Eventually, I just got rid of it.
I deleted Twitter from my phone last week and it’s like I’m a different person now.
Yup, it’s time for people to start backing off Twitter, it’s a total disaster.
A wise decision. Seriously, fuck Twitter.
I’ve been fearlessly judicious with social media.
Set up some google alerts. You’ll get what you need.
I use twitter as basically a news feed—I follow only a handful of publications, journalists, and the occasional comic or two—but it’s still such a huge attention-suck that I’m considering ditching it for a plain old news aggregator. I only joined in the first place out of post-election anxiety and the compulsive need…
(I’m gonna be that guy)
It always makes me laugh when people WHO ARE CLEARLY RACIST AND AWFUL use their real names on Twitter. Bet your job and your kids are gonna love that, genius.
I signed up for Twitter and then never used it, and I feel OK with that decision.
For me I still have a Facebook account if people want to message me (So like never). Otherwise I get the occasional Steam key from a friend who likes to deal out extras that he is given.
I joined FB late because of a certain woman who was stalking me and everything I did online. Twitter was fun before it started feeling like that underground Nazi club in ‘Inglourious Basterds’. Instagram is fun for sharing pictures and creeping on people you might find attractive until they marry some rando with a…
Totally! There are movies released all year. Why just do it for the Oscars?
Yes please, not just during awards season, but just for regular movies too?