Of course, they did.
Of course, they did.
I hope she gets every single penny. I don’t know if a police department can go bankrupt and be forced to start all over again, but Oakland PD needs to hit restart and literally start over in every single respect. I have never lived anywhere the police were so correctly reviled. Everyone was afraid they could be killed…
I hope every single one of those cops is blacklisted from any job in law enforcement or even adjacent to law enforcement, preferably after serving jail time.
You should consider moving to Walnut Creek. You’d like it.
BTW, the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Trump today.
Bright side to all of this: Alameda County (and natch, the City of Oakland) can’t really afford to keep the Oakland Football Team now. Vegas wins!
Wow so the largest organized gang in America also takes turns raping an under age girl? Shocking!
This is a relief but we need a state and federal investigation as well. This young woman was exploited across jurisdictions and sent across state lines on Contra Costa County DA money in a clear instance of witness tampering in collusion with both Richmond PD and PD in Florida.
It’s a mess. People in Oakland are organized. They’re on it. There is a group called the Anti Police Terror Project that is doing amazing stuff-
This doesn’t look shady at all. /end sarcasm
That PD is fucked up. The attached timeline.... Good god, look what its costing the city of Oakland.
Good. I hope she wins. There has also been what looks a lot like witness tampering in this case. The Richmond Police, who were also implicated, sent Celeste Guap to rehab. In Florida. Where she happened to be arrested for allegedly assaulting a staff member, making it really hard for the police to do anything about…
I hope she wins at least $66 million, and finds peace.
It’s really hard to ‘respect the badge’ when the ones wearing it don’t, either.
This is some penetrative analysis.
I tried really hard to come up with a logical explanation for this that didn’t translate to some variant of “easy access to sugar daddies”.
Couldn’t do it.
Also, if they don’t have money to eat, then they don’t have money to gain weight... o_O (I hate myself for this).
I am sure the editors at the OC Register would be happy if the cheerleaders just setup poles on the sidelines and let fans throw ones at them all game.
Prostitution? No, there are strict rules about fraternization. My guess is it’s the stuffing of ones into their waistbands while they’re “dancing” - pole, lap, wherever. Y’know... making it rain. Sort of a “rain” of terror - the terror of knowing that if you don’t collect any “osmosis” money, you won’t be able to make…