
I was thinking it was a horrible place/time to make a joke. And then I read the comments on here and realized we are a raising a bunch of pussies who really like to choose to be offended. It was a dumb joke between coworkers, does it really bother anyone here that much? Grow a spine already.

This is oozing so much class. So very Missouri to let the white guy take multiple shots until he hits the target dead on.

Is it a dumb rule? Yeah, definitely. At the same time though, the players know what the rules are now, and would rather take the rec drug, then get the four games salary, it's dumb all around.

Hi, Stephen A.!

I didn't miss the point, because there was no point to that post. It was written by a jackass trying to play the race card where one wasn't needed. And let's not start saying Stewart murdered someone. That says that he intentionally meant to kill Ward, which, unless you spoke to Stewart before or after the

Mayweather served time in jail for beating up a woman and had some guys beaten up because he thought they stole his jewelry. But no, he's not a thug at all.

Find me a link of somebody throwing a fit over somebody tagging up. Just one. It can be in the minor leagues, if you want.

In the hands of the wrong baseball players, tagging from first late in a five-run game would have led to recriminations and beanballs.

The key to sneaking in appears to be wearing a suit and telling security you are there for an important meeting.

I know we no longer require commenters to be funny or have a point, but can we at least require the writers to do so?

2/10. Needs more CAPS LOCK.

Hi, Stephen A.!

"Upon seeing this, ESPN executives immediately set upon rectifying the situation: Terminating Beadle and apologizing to Smith and Bayless for any offense her comments may have caused."

Dude has two DUIs. Can we not try to make him into a sympathetic character...

Part of Crossfit is performing movements with a relatively high potential for injury in a competitive environment with implicit pressure to go faster and heavier. This will inevitably lead to breakdowns in form, and injuries.

If Brian McCann were still on the Braves, none of this would've happened.

You just don't care about what "side" they're on and care about how they did their job. It's the way most people should try thinking.

Instead, since he's a black goat, he is a selfish, me-first goat, and has maturity issues.

In this context, with the stare followed by "Really, motherfucker!?" I think the ref made a reasonable call.

He got tossed for saying "Really motherfucker!". You should turn on your sound next time your whole article is about a video clip, audio is important.