

Your disgraceful, horrendous attempt at humor is not alleviated by the "seriously..." sign off.

CrossFit haters need to shut the fuck up. I'm 37 years old and have been doing it for over 2 years. My weight hasn't changed but I put two inches on across my chest and shoulders while losing two inches on my waist. And I've never injured myself in the process. Oh, you don't like CrossFit? Don't do it! We don't

Here's the thing: A kipping pull up is not a pull up. That said, it's fine as a workout. Getting good at them does help improve body control and there are benefits. And Crossfit *does* do a lot of Strict Pullups too (at least my gym does). I just wish they called "strict pull ups" pullups and "pullups" (kipping)

You are 100% correct in your reading of Mushnick. He is always pointing out the hypocrites. If the N word is wrong it is always wrong. If the N word is wrong then Redskins is wrong. If the NBA players are upset with Sterling why aren't the NFL players upset with Synder. Let's stop with selective racism and other

Like I said, deceptive.

If Ortiz was using that year, he was doing so completely legally.

Showalter has since apologized for what he called "an error in judgment", which Ortiz vehemently argued should have been ruled a hit.

hmmm I'm not sure I would call MLBPA "toothless and reeling." They remain the most powerful player's union in the world. I think partly it's exhaustion from not wanting to fight the PED battles anymore and let them go away, but also I think that the union is not nearly so unified in support of accused PED users as

This is the best heel turn.

Bobby Heenan was one of the best wrestling commentators of all time...but this has to be the worst moment of his broadcasting career. I can't imagine what must be running through Dusty Rhodes' head as Heenan, not once, but twice, completely gives away the turn. Heenan said the one thing you couldn't say before a

Nope. But my mother is Jewish so we have that in common. Here's why I responded to your post the way I did. The loud outcry from a small group of people has put people of color in such an awkward place. This screams of hey it's not fair we can't say certain things and not be punished. It strikes a chord because in

Nigga please

You've put up better in your mens rec league, no doubt.

Completely agree with number three. I went over to watch the US game with friends and acquaintances, and sure enough, there was that one guy, you know the one, that was giving people shit about not being "real" fans. You know the guy, he follows all the European leagues, wears a Real Madrid jersey to work on casual

This is simply not true. Lots of people make a living playing poker. You're right that for every legitimate winner there are probably 10 more who think they're winners but are just running good/don't actually add it up/etc. But there are plenty of legit pro poker players.

What Snow doesn't seem to understand he gets shit on because he does things that are fucking inexplicable.

Now, I'm in no way a LeBron supporter (can't stand the guy), but you have the chance to compare a news anchor [accused of rape] to a great basketball player [accused of rape] and you don't pick Kobe??

If you were interested in being fair, you'd have included the clarification Kelly gave when they came back from commercial—that he was simply impressed by her breasts, and that he planned to masturbate once the segment was over. A perfectly innocent explanation.

You realize that he wasn't actually drafted right?