
I think it's pretty telling that whenever anyone's yahoo account gets hacked and they send out these fake news articles about weight loss miracles or moms who earn $1000 a minute working from home, they always use the Fox News banner.

Totally agree. Ask a shitty question, get a shitty answer. Not mad.

How is royal babby formed? How Kate get pragnant?

Not reaching. I don't ENJOY being the grumpy feminist. However, lyrics like "I'm a nice guy but don't get confused, you gettin' it" imply that sex is not the woman's choice. If the man wants it, he's going to get it. It's a dangerous message and while getting rid of dangerous messages is not an option, talking about

Dudes with no interest in gaining access to my nethers. Apparently, they exist.

A Maxim in the bathroom.

Thanks! He's on the verge of quitting if they don't make him permanent. Then maybe we'll consider moving to a more compassionate state.

Yeah, he was initially hired through an agency but that agency no longer exists so he's hired on directly through his employer (a large state university). It's maddening that they don't provide SOMETHING but I am happy to hear that not all temps across the country are completely screwed. Only the ones working for the

I wish this would apply to temps (or that there was more scrutiny over the whole temping business in the first place). My boyfriend has been a temporary employee at the same job for OVER FIVE YEARS. And in order to remain a temp, he is "laid off" for a month every year, during which time he is eligible for

I'm such a grumpy feminist. I just can't get behind Snoop Dog. Too much sexist baggage there for me.

Can you see how maybe you don't see it as a bad thing because you, as a male, ALWAYS get to be the hero? Always get to be the focus of the story? The thing is, it's not just video games, it's movies, books, tv, and it affects the way people treat you. You don't think you might feel differently if you were a woman?

Are you a man?

He's okay but you're not the only one. The top youtube comment for this (at least when I first saw it) was perfect. "OMG is his HAIR OKAY?!"

Why does the taste have so much smell?!?

I'm pretty sure his face split that poor bird in two. It's a pretty immense face.

Now playing

You CANNOT talk about Fabio without reminding the world of that time he took a bird to the face while debuting a new roller coaster at Busch Gardens.

Is she wearing ALL HER CLOTHES at one time?

AHAHAHAHA thanks for the reminder!

Aaaaaand yet there you are, on the cover of a magazine full of tips for women on how to hate their bodies. Tired of women who allow themselves to be part of the problem acting like they have nothing to do with the problem.

You're probably totally right about the body odor thing. I truly have no idea why I haven't thought of aprons before—gonna go get some!