
Guh, I'm horrified at how many people are coming down on you for this. Nobody is owed the perfect gift because they decided to procreate. I usually do stick to the registry even though I find them tacky as fuck—but I'm starting to reconsider. Maybe I'll lose some shitty friends in the process.

My sister's cheating ex-boyfriend who used to steal her panties is now an Ob/Gyn. We were HORRIFIED when we found out. Look out Pensacola, Fl!

You really don't understand why that makes sense for Men's Health and not for Golf Digest? Really?


Durham is hardly "lily white". Sadly, however, the cops here are generally believed to be pretty racist.


I KNEW IT! Thank you!!

Totally agree. I was going to say something about how I think they are both beautiful but, sadly, it kept sounding snarky in my head.

I dunno, just LOOK at them! I can see Jennifer Lawrence playing a young Mama June in her biopic.

I know this is crazy but does anyone else see a really strong resemblance between Mama June and Jennifer Lawrence?

Open mouth selfies are way worse than duckface selfies, in my opinion.

But can they know the sex before it hatches? Or am I totally misunderstanding what you said?

Good to know! (and totally okay with it) I really hope that's what happens to most of them but I somehow doubt it. I worked at a museum with some rescued birds of prey and we fed them frozen mice purchased from some plant someplace. Now I want to go back there and see if there's a reason they don't hook up with

I know that one fairly unavoidable (to my knowledge) problem with egg production is that, since males don't lay eggs and no one really wants to eat the males, you have to dispose of the male chicks somehow.

Gosh, that must really suck to be number 2 on that list (by a really tiny margin)! Are you gonna be okay?!

That's still half the Asian population in the US making far less than white males.

Asian MALES.

True enough. I thought you meant there was some fundamental difference in terms of feminism.

WHY though? I'm genuinely asking, not being a jerk.

I feel the exact same way about Beyonce and the Ms. cover. I know the feminist movement traditionally had/has problems making room for the perspectives of anyone other than white women and that does change the argument to a degree. But, when you get right down to it though, Kim K and Beyonce do the same shit. So does