
You're probably right. I would say something about having a busy life and not having time for that but I'd be lying. I just want things to be EASY!

I've heard that too and I'd love to be able to pull that off but holy shit, did people not spill beer or have stinky sweat or own pets or have sweaters that pilled like crazy back then? It seems that women used to wear a lot more woven fabrics which we've now replaced with lots of knits—which tend to lose their shape.

Oh fuck off. No one is telling anyone how to think (except you). What exactly pisses you off so much about this? Could it maybe be that you don't like the way it represents men?

Thank god you are here to tell us women what we like and what we don't like! You're right. I'm definitely not interested in that dude's beautifully enormous cock or massive shoulders or ripply abs. I'm only interested in reading Twilight.

Oh god the shitty color schemes! Look how beautiful and interesting the colors are in the old drawings. Have we lost the ability to see anything other than super bright primary colors? Not the point but ugh.

IF women do this more often than men do (not sure that's even the case), at least in terms of dating, it's about safety. I did the online dating thing for a while and you're goddamn right I googled them all before agreeing to meet them in person. It also helps prevent you from having to sit through dinner with

Go volunteer at the shelter and then get back to me.

She wasn't objecting to the depiction of sexuality. She objected to the fact that AS ALWAYS it was utterly one-sided. Trust me, if you were a woman, you'd be fucking sick of it too. Especially if you worked in an industry that seems at times to only see you for your tits and not your ability to do your job.

I think you might have inadvertently just nailed the definition.

Yeah it does. We put far too many of these little ones down every day.

Weird, a bunch of dudes don't understand what's irritating about that. I guess they know better.

I just adopted my first male dog and now this gif is creeping me the fuck out.

Agreed, but I ain't gonna give her no hi-fives for it either.

Right. It's great to acknowledge how society fucks with young womens' body image but it kinda ruins when your next move is to jump into the role of the newest hot young skinny thing selling idiotic products to women.

I don't think there is a more perfect human out there.

Because you're not a woman anymore, you're a mom.

Yeah, cause we can't make mention of anyone with a vagina unless on a site specifically designed for them. Even if they ARE half the world's population.

I never wanted to get married and was super happy to finally meet a man who felt the same way. Then, I found out he was paying over $400 a month for total crap health insurance while a somewhat simple trip to the courthouse got him on my benefits package.