
Damn. This is purely anecdotal but, for what it's worth, my boyfriend got a vasectomy at age 31 with no questions whatsoever. We were totally prepared to have to argue our case because of what we've heard women have to go through but, interestingly, no cared that he didn't want kids.

Look up the short documentary "How to Make a Heartbeat". Basically the situation you describe. I'm acquainted with the people in it and the 3 parents and the kid all seem super happy. DO IT!

Obviously, this picture was made to be funny but that's not why I'm posting it—-this story, and specifically some of the reactions to it, made me feel creeped out and angry all day yesterday. I would really just like to know what the men who say it's no big deal feel when looking at this picture.

YES! Why this doesn't come up more often confuses the hell out of me. It was thing people talked about for a while I guess in the 80s—I seem to remember "overpopulation" was a serious buzzword that we've just decided as a culture to quit worrying about.

I worked on a research project that involved coding hundreds of anti-smoking ads and that period of my life was marked by my highest cigarette consumption ever.

"When people come into my office and say I'm not happy where I want to be." I think that about sums up the amount of thought this hateful shitbag put into this theory of hers. Fuck off.

There were plenty of commenters on Jezebel (and Gawker too!) who were pissed about that—rightfully so.

Those were public! The kids provided that info willingly.

Barf—-wtf is wrong with people? I'll go ahead and admit that I myself am married. We did the courthouse thing and then had a fun day together playing hooky from work. We didn't tell anyone. And everyone was PISSED. Which honestly baffled me. They were even pissed when we refused the offer of gifts. WHAT? I would love

I hate it like I hate people who post to facebook on their birthdays things like, "Having pancakes for my birthday breakfast!!" or "Beautiful birthday sunrise this morning! I am so blessed!" just in case you missed the notification and might fail to write some dumbass thing like "HBD" on their wall.

You are gonna get a lot of shit for saying that but I could not agree more! Even nice, normal people turn into the most narcissistic, entitled assholes when they decide to have a wedding. Registries are the worst.

Well, take your situation and your feelings following the incident and then multiply it by a WHOLE lot (I mean, we are talking 2 people sticking fingers in your vagina while you are incapable of protecting yourself) and imagine that there were photos of it happening. Not hard to imagine how it could be life-changing.

If you've ever been sexually assaulted, chances are you'd get it. A guy I was having a conversation with once just reached out and grab my boobs. I completely froze and let my friends do the reacting for me. The weird thing is that it left me rattled for several days.

My boyfriend and I decided to get married because if we didn't, he'd have had to go uninsured (he works for a university and although he's been employed there for over 5 years (!!!!), he's still a 'temp' and not eligible for their insurance plan). We had hoped to be one of those unmarried hetero couples in solidarity

I tried because I'm suppressing a gigglefit at my desk and need others to laugh with me but I cannot make comments, only replies. Don't ask why because I can't be bothered to figure it out.

So, we're not going to talk about how the producers of the Today Show thought "Wipe that puss of your face" was a good headline for this story?


It's Laura! from ANTM! at 0:31, Right? I guess she hated her makeover as much as I did.