As long as you are drinking, imagine Hillary Clinton with that cohort.
As long as you are drinking, imagine Hillary Clinton with that cohort.
I hate replying to myself, but I think I cracked the case.
There will be special little huts out back?
To be honest, there’s something appealing about a menstruation hut, assuming it includes wine and cake. Leave me the fuck alone while I eat this wine and cake and chill with a book. Think I might just have to menstruate for 52 weeks a year.
Luke Evans as Gaston was the best performance all year. Loved him.
Hot Taek: The original Dirty Dancing was garbage too.
You mean he failed to correctly log his Sessions?
It is THEIR tragedy, asshole. Grief makes you reach ANYWHERE for a sense of justice. Fuck off, this comment is heartless.
Well, to be fair he was WASTED and 5 years younger than she is. One or the other probably would’ve been okay, but the combo was not great!
“Me, Myself, and I” actually looks interesting. In addition to Jaleel White, it’ll be great to see John Larroquette again.
Me, Myself, and I actually sounds interesting to me. Not the same cookie-cutter premise. I will check it out.
I still blame Gawker a bit for Trump... and the “Hillarys not much better” way of thinking that was kind of the norm at that the time. But Bernie bros are still a bit to pitchforky for me and I am less than enthused about the 2018 midterms because of it
You guys ever post something online and/or here and instantly regret it?
Wait, calling a black person the n-word and threatening to lynch them isn’t among some of the vilest most racist things you’ve ever heard? It definitely fits in my definition of extreme racism.
Moynihan did a good job on those skits, but I always felt like for the role of Brian Kilmeade they should’ve just put an old rotted log on the sofa and had one of the cast add a voiceover.
He’s also written a few really popular sketches—David S. Pumpkins, Kevin Roberts (“Can a bitch get a donut?”), Peter Dinklage singing about space pants. And one of my favorites in recent memory—the Chris Pine cotton candy/backpack fashion show party.
Nobody cares about Melania’s decision. It’s, once again, Trump’s dumbshit hypocrisy.
Last time it’s on that cameras, and it’s a big sad, m’kay?
Hap. :(
Cue the Bernie Bros and their “economic anxiety” excuse.