Anne Hathaway’s biggest offense was being an overly earnest, try-hard theatre kid. I grew up with theatre kids and have never, ever had an issue with her. She’s talented and seems nice.
Anne Hathaway’s biggest offense was being an overly earnest, try-hard theatre kid. I grew up with theatre kids and have never, ever had an issue with her. She’s talented and seems nice.
Never got the hatred focused on Anne Hathaway? I have always liked her. I have zero problems with her and have pretty much enjoyed all of her movies.
Sure, it’s possible... just like it’s possible to be a fry cook at a Cracker Barrel and not have a criminal record, but let’s be honest here...
Yet she supported a man named Bernie Sanders who voted against a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would have given many undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship.
Gwen is an OC girl, born & raised. That being said, I’ve seen plenty of crappy tattoos in the OC. Makes you cringe at first, but then you sort of get immune to bad tattoos. All you can do is that’s “A nice tattoo!” And everyone knows you’re lying.
That’s a great point. North was another movie I loved as a kid. I didn’t know until like a year ago it was utterly panned by critics when it came out lol.
This too shall pass-Best information I was ever given! :)
I hope when he’s one away from catching up to Nixon they just start putting a little Nixon-in-a-Box on any Trump cover to keep him from getting there.
I think he’s just as tainted. Manafort insisted on Pence when Twitler wanted Christie. Manafort and Pence have been chummy since. Perhaps Manafort didn’t want to put all his Russian eggs into one basket. After all, Manafort depends on Russia to make his living.
+ a million. He was smokin’ in the movie. Forget Mr. Darcy.
15/10 would bang like a screen door in a hurricane.
I think that movie is silly in general and the cue card scene is one of the worst things ever done in an allegedly romantic movie ... and somehow the trailer STILL made me want to see the special.
Actually, Bill Nighy is the one that has aged the best. Obviously.
Starred for “pushy rando”. I have friends I don’t hear from unless they’re short on their arbonne-usborne-sex-toy-christiany handbag goal. No, I do not want your pink ‘for her’ faux leather whip (it’s vegan!) OR your ‘natural product’ lip stain in this ‘season’s’ hottest shade. Can I just write you a check for your…
Yup. Let this be a learning lesson to fellow conservative women. Ms Lahren did everything right to be a cool girl, she was one of the ‘good ones.’ She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”
It’s just “economic anxiety”