
Flip flops to show off his bubbly toes?

West coaster here. People on the East Coast or those watching the East Coast feed on Direct TV can be the WORST. I am always spoiled by live documenters in my Facebook feed who post things like "Nick shouldn't have won! Nina forever!" #pacificstandardtimeproblems

They're not new depending on where you live. I graduated high school 12 years ago and promposals were huge then. It was a real drag if you weren't asked in a creative way. Likewise, girls were expected to ask guys in a creative way to Sadie Hawkins.

Where did Moxie Girl end up in your 90s catalog hierarchy? It was the best/only magalog out there!

I'm starting a petition - Jessica Williams gets her own show in the Colbert Report slot! Let's make it happen!


You're definitely not alone. At least one glass of whole milk was THE required dinner accompaniment (I didn't even get water as an option) until I went to college.

I was just thinking that myself. Biggest Loser is one of my guilty pleasures, and Jillian is by far the meanest and most manipulative recurring "character" on the show. She's verbally abusive while they're working out, and then when they're not working out, she harasses them until they start crying about "why they…

My husband's ring was $300 (more than my band!) from a local jeweler, and he gets complimented on it all the time. He wanted something manly (go figure) and went with tungsten carbide. His wound up looking like a nicer version of this: http://www.tungstenaffinity.com/Brushed-Tungst…

Not sure where you live, but I get all my blended Oikos at Safeway, pretty much always on sale for a dollar. (Lemon Meringue and Banana Cream are my two favorites!)

That's what I was thinking. Baby steps.

For some reason, I thought that show was canceled. I'll check it out - thanks!

Obviously not a woman, but what about Neil Patrick Harris? He's already a part of the CBS family via HIMYM, and as of Monday, is likely looking for a new gig outside of his Broadway work. He's funny, charming, talented, and he is liked pretty universally. I'd totally watch.

Happy Endings was Ah-Mah-zing! I was so sad when it went off the air.

Now that HIMYM is done, does anyone have a rec for a comparable show to take its place? (Already watching Parks and Rec and the New Girl)

I think I might be the only one who truly genuinely liked the finale.

I'm blaming this on Red Wine being ranked so low. When I saw it was ranked 8th in its own bracket, I knew this thing was fixed.*

Since we're all chipping in other words of advice, here are four of mine:

Bull Durham wins it! With the season starting next week, it's a great fit. Thanks!

Yes it would! But are there any on Netflix? It's all I've got at my disposal right now. :(