
How would second children even be possible if that were true? I mean, when you give birth, the cervix dilates a hell of a lot...

My anti-choice mother, when I told her I would be getting a Mirena IUD: "It doesn't stop eggs from being fertilized; it just stops them from implanting!" *wrings hands* Me: "I sure as hell hope so!" I don't owe anything to any goddamn egg.

This is still my favorite meme, however I'm gonna have to adapt it to include

For reference:

It sounds like, either way, you run a legitimate risk of ending up exhausted and cleaning up poop. Damned if you do, dammed if you don't.

She added, "You know, I own the biggest vegan company in the world."

Elmo sucks. Classic Sesame Street or gtfo.

My favorites were the ones where they showed the inside of his can. I would get so excited.

What happened to Marlise was absolutely sick. You need more than just a uterus to gestate a healthy pregnancy, and asses like Matt Krause just don't realize that. You're not only taking away someone's bodily autonomy and ignoring their advance directives, you are asking to keep a dead person artificially alive to

Something like 3% of books on the top 10 spots of the NYT best seller lists were by African Americans. And 90% of books reviewed by NYT were authored white people. The deck is stacked against non-white, non-male authors and it ain't just because of writing ability.

The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically,

"Marsha and I always planned to have five children..."

Right? This blows my mind. Meanwhile, in Maryland, the parents who let their kids walk to the park together are still battling social services over the right to let their kids ride bikes, etc, without constant supervision.

Dear State of Arkansas: file child abuse charges against these scumbags posthaste, because isolating a child for hours on end IS abuse.

When you vote GOP, this is what you're voting for.

Make him resign. Close down their chilren's facility. Bring them up on criminal charges. Tar and feather them. Send their children to a re-education camp so they'll grow up sane.

This bodes well for my plan to start decoupaging that dresser on my next bus ride.

Can we also talk about old ladies who think their purse needs the window seat? Or anyone else who thinks the window seat next to them is best empty? Oh, or dudes who feel that 'The doorway' is the best place to stand to ride transit? Or 'Shit head sitting in the accessibility seats and doesn't see the person with