
Of course not! Those whores shouldn't have opened their legs! (/sarcasm)

Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a baby out of a teenager!

I have a friend who will occasionally bring his baby to the bar (fine. whatever.) but I get way more annoyed when he shows me picture after picture after picture of his damn baby. For every picture of your baby, I'm going to show you a pictures of what I had for dinner. That's how much I care about pictures of your

I really think it all depends on how well your baby can hold their liquor.

In the Fall of 2008 I went to an early afternoon Jets game. We arrived at the stadium to tailgate at 9:30am, and by 10am were playing flip cup. Needless to say it got dicey after that. Fast forward about 12 hours, and I'm at a bar (not a restaurant - a bar) in the East Village with my friends and we are all pretty

Kate Harding wrote a fantastic article about this over on Dame Magazine. It's worth reading but I want to quote one part that made me practically jump out of my chair and yell in agreement:

Mad props to a commentator over at Kotaku named Arden who posted this gem:

Because if you give them an inch, soon all games will be about disabled non-white lesbians. It's true, I heard it from someone on Kotaku.

Everyone please pipe down, a man is talking.

Women in power suits can be intimidating, you know...

"WAAAAHHH! How dare they not let me hit on them!!! WHY MUST THEY BE ALLOWED TO FINISH THEIR SENTENCES?!"

"Nobody touched her"

So ready for dudes to realize that "Hey ladies, I'd fuck you!" is not actually the panacea they think it is.

Where do you hear this, exactly? In your own shitty head? I have literally never in my fucking life heard a woman complain that she wasn't street harassed. And catcalling isn't conversation, it's harassment. That's not how relationships start, it's how men let women know they're being watched.

Men aren't entitled to a woman's time or attention. Just because you see her doesn't mean you get to interact with her. It's not rude to ignore rudeness.

Here's the thing. In my experience, I NEVER, literally NEVER see men casually greet each other on the street unless they know each other. These men are throwing out seemingly harmless greetings in hopes you will turn and want to talk. Or they may just want a smile. Sorr,y but I only smile when I feel smiley, not

He has an answer* for that, too, though:

...yes? I mean, he's awful for many reasons, but I feel like I'm the only person who loved Religulous. I was prepared to turn it off if he acted like an ass, but he managed to rattle cages without, for the most part, being a dick. I've never been a fan of his show, and I don't agree with his statements on Islam, but

Wednesday, we had to take in our oldest sheltie to be put to sleep. He was approx. 16, blind, deaf, wobbly, and – as of this week – incontinent. Up until recently, he still seemed to be digging his comfy life.

From Revelations (which would be a perfect name for a Christian themed strip club)