
There was a constant crowd near the PP where I grew up. Growing up I always thought I'd love to troll these protesters by standing in their midst, wearing a big chicken costume and holding a sign showing a horrific, graphic photograph of two sunnyside-up eggs frying in a pan.

Having had both experiences (giving birth first) I agree wholeheartedly. People have narratives they like to fixate on around abortion, and it never seems to involve the fact that there may already be children in the mix to care for. Making the decision to not move forward with a pregnancy because you're unwilling or

Being a foster mom has confirmed my suspicion that parents can do many, many things worse than abortion to their children.

In the Palin family, high school is the place to start a family. Marriage is important, but only after someone is pregnant.

There are many many insane elements to this statement, particularly in light of the question, but this is the most problematic to me:

This hits really close to home for me. I am 18 weeks pregnant and have always been strongly pro-choice. When I first saw my baby squirming around on an ultrasound at 12 weeks, I wondered whether my personal views on abortion were changing, i.e. whether abortion would be off-limits for me, personally, in the future; I

She's like a living Christopher Guest mockumentary...

I know, I know! But it's so hard when it's so easily shot down.

Now I officially want Sally Field to adopt me. (prior to this it was unofficial)

There is that weird disconnect where a man waking up at 5 am to milk 50 cows is called "work", but a woman waking up at 5 am to milk 50 cows is called "chores".

They only bring out the black people and women when they need to put-down black people and women.

What I always hated was that I grew up as the daughter of a divorced woman who had the sole responsibility for raising the three of us. She once got passed up for a promotion because—in the words of the hiring manager at the time, "Well, [this man] has a family to feed."

I loathe the term "purity." As a kid, I was convinced that I was "impure" because I had been molested at the age of 5. No matter that it was involuntary....I was fundamentally impure and tainted forever. An unintended consequence of this kind of "purity" education is that girls who are already sexually active or

Ok, I'll bite. The woman has to bear every physical aspect of pregnancy, on top of her emotions. The man does not, his input is purely emotional. While in a perfect world a father's opinion will hold weight, the woman, as carrier, is the one most directly affected and will be the only one receiving medical care.

That's not totally fair. Some are also anti-women.

Any woman who would marry a dude who thinks like this probably has never let anyone else see her vagina. She probably hasn't seen her own vagina. It's just "down there."

See, where it gets difficult for me is that you still would have expected her to carry that baby to term for you. You have to understand, from a woman's perspective, that you're essentially asking her to be an incubator for you.

Horrible is forcing a woman to be an unwilling incubator. A man can have as many children as he wants, provided he can conceive, carry and birth them himself. A woman's body and everything contained therein are hers.

ohhhhhhh, now we got you! You will get your honorary man hating tee shirt in the mail along with your new vagina in six eight weeks. Congrats!

In 2004, he ran into legal trouble again, when he allegedly punched two women in a Los Vegas nightclub, completely unprovoked.