Leoz96, It's a Car!

Just preordered Watch_Dogs: Definitive Edition for PS5.

I don't really see how that's a sting, .. ahaha. That is, .. I don't understand the joke you're trying to make. That .. people are .. more willing to open a 360 than a Wii U because .. Wii U is selling less? Or .. I just .. I'm confused. xD

Boooo. Boo conker. Boo.

I would have used the original XBOX. Could probably store an assault rifle in that monstrosity.

"Low Resolution."


controls close enough to the real instruments. fun to play together, esp those who like music/singing/playing instruments

Still did a better job at beating the league than Ash.

That's some good car-porn right there...GF Williams is the shiz

Kinda does for GTA IV though. That game is horrifically optimized.

Impatiently waiting for PowerSaves and hack warning for the actual games.

Burnout Paradise

OK I laughed because I didn't get at first. I sat here going, "But Zelda IS a girl....."

The amount of people that don't get the joke is mind boggling.

You've got greenscreen on you.

Where's the PS3 Crying Baby Trainspotting ad, the one that made me go "nope nope nope" all the way?

Quick, to the Ashens phone!

Meet the 989