My predictions:
My predictions:
Can we call it "The Year of Cranky Kong"?
The answer will ALWAYS be "Bullitt." Every movie since involving a car chase looks to Bullitt for cues as to "how to do it right."
Senna on Netflx
Rock Band 4. Rock Band 4. Rock Band 4. Rock Band 4. Rock Band 4.
While not to steal any of the thunder here, Awesome Games Done Quickly earned over a million last week in their week long marathon. Over half of which was done within the first three days.
That's purely altruistic(yes yes, tax breaks etc, I know) donations without getting games out of it.
Hey everyone! Come check out the cake I baked for a Sony fanboy 2 years ago!
XD I'm laughing so hard right now.…
Because it's a challenge and they enjoy it.
Huh, there are good games on the 3DS... I don't know how you define epic, but I've spent around 60 hours on both Fire Emblem Awakening and Pokémon Y, and I'm not done with either of them yet.
That explains the 360's sales, then.
Not a Playstation console until Wipeout
Okay, I'll try it out. Now where do I go to for downloadable content from here?
Guys, didn't we kind of forget someone here?
The rest of the time it's just a city car.
Ambassador Spock. Totally a politician.
Everyone always tells how Chuck Norris is such a tough guy. They have obviously never heard of Vladimir Putin.
Its at the very least noble. The president of Uruguay drives a Volkswagen Beetle.