Leoz96, It's a Car!
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You're totally wrong, obviously the best way to show off your new console is a live action trailer!

Hawken, Blacklight Retribution, Tf2, Dota 2

Mgs movie = NO NO GOD NO, the game is pretty much one of the best examples of what video games can do better than any other form of media, It has to stay on the video game market.
Mass Effect movie = Yes, well maybe. The game has a great mythology built around it, there are lots of stories you could make out of it.

lower resolution graphics...?
32 GB Wii...?

Feels pretty good saying i have the most expensive version of the system (: Also, they should have removed the inner camera and spent the money on stereo sound.

Talk about bad names, that sounds like ilegal organ trafficking to me.

Isn't it necessary to have 3d in games like the new zelda? also, that thing looks like it came out of pokemon.

Hoooooly shit that's going to be ugly

Look for the bright side, it could turn out to be this!

I posted this yesterday on oppo, no credit?

I think you'd love the experimental mirv from fallout 3, it shoots 8 mininukes at once.

I like it man, not a shitload of mechanics, just a huge world, a solid gameplay and days worth of fun.

YES, Zero Mission is very overrated, Fusion is where it's at. What a game dude, at least 3-4 playtroughs for me.

Between the buffering and the low fps watching that gameplay was terrible. It's looking pretty uncharted-esque, looks like a decent game you'd buy later for like 30 bucks, nothing AAA GOTY but something like Tomb Raider. Still, it's leaked gameplay, one cannot expect much.

Kind of. The system is going to be slightly fast, but we won't notice any big changes, maybe a couple extra frames per second. They upgraded the clock speed from 800 MHz to 853 MHz so you can tell it's not that big of a change.

This is being kind of unprofessional, I mean you should have blueprints ready from before and not just look for cheap ways to keep up to the competition after revealing your console. And also, I really don't understand how that's something so important to talk about, they just had a half assed PC driver on the xbone


I feel like Fish has been ruinning his carrer, like, take a look at Pixel, the guy who developed Cave Story. He made the game entirely by himself, including the music and everything else and he published as freeware. The game became an huge success, and the only thing he did was releasing a couple new versions and

I thought that was Kotaku? Or was it Gizmodo...? Hell, even the couple of times I went to Fleshbot someone was arguing.