
comic books didn’t make $36.9 billion last year. video games did. the industry is already as legitimized as it can be. getting to point at a shitty adaptation of one that removes all of the things that makes games meaningful, like, as a medium, and saying “see, this has an important actress, take me seriously” is

This is probably something Variety found on a USB stick some bonehead left at Medieval Times. 

I’m glad to see that, even though “Deadspin” is apparently “back” now, this is where I should still come for my proper Deadspin-related and Deadspin-adjacent content. Thank you for this public service.

The man is holding a Glock pistol. Glocks are commonly chambered for either 9mm or .40 caliber rounds. Do you know how many walls and objects a 9mm or .40 round can penetrate before coming to a stop? Most common tests have rated them to effectively pierce around three to six standard house/apartment walls or traveling

Silly Wilkie! Should have hired Lisa Bloom to do the smear job instead! She's a self-proclaimed expert!

That’s why you should shop at Wegman’s

My local WF in NJ was fully stocked yesterday (except for those 365 cheese crackers which are like crack). The one in Manhattan near my office was fully supplied as well today.

I think knowing the kind of proposal your partner wants is super important. It does seem like most people, at least around here, would not want it to be public. But there are definitely plenty of people who would, for whatever reason. I especially like the reason Lindy West’s husband gave for doing a public proposal:

I know! I’ve been calling for a Warren/Castro ticket for 6 months. I suspected that he was at the top of her list when I saw them interact after the debates; she would go across the stage and hug him.

Likewise. This is my ideal scenario.

Admittedly I’m still on the Elizabeth Warren/Stacey Abrams train, but nothing about have Castro as VP strikes me as a bad move. One of the most unsung, and most damaging, effects of having Trump as president is the damage he’s done to the administrative state through neglect and institutional rot (and in Betsy DeVos’

Yesssss! This would be a brilliant ticket.

This is the ticket I wanted!

I don’t know about being VP but I do appreciate that, within a few days of dropping out, he picked the person he wanted to get behind, which I take as solid evidence that he made his choice based on his values and ideals rather than waiting to endorse someone at the most opportune moment.

Ava du Vernay isn’t even 50 and has already had a more interesting career. He made (checks notes) The Brothers Grimm? Bad adaptation of Hunter S Thompson? Monty Python skit writ large? He’s wildly overrated. 

OR he could promote the movie, talk about his acting, the cast and the story without having people cross the lines he has drawn.

Yes. This is what all the advice columns tell you to do. Set and enforce your boundaries.

After reading the Variety article there doesn’t seem to be any comment from Adam Driver or his publicist about the ‘incident’ so we don’t even know if the clip thing is why he walked out. If it is, the only side of the story we get is from NPR which, cool.

Nope. He set clear boundaries, has reiterated them over and over AND OVVVVVVER. He said he doesn’t like it. He said he doesn’t want it. That is not being a fucking diva.

“Money is used to benefit people who aren’t me!