
Kinda surprised The Dark Night Rises hasn’t showed up here yet. Between the “grow a beard then shave it off and realize I’m Batman” happening TWICE in one movie, the nonsensical twist of having the love interest having the bomb the whole time and doing nothing about it, and every citizen vanishing between the football

It’s no small feat to so deftly combine snide condescension with sheer idiocy. Kudos to you, Sir.

lol, how old are you? like, are you legitimately a 12 year old?

Uniqlo will not award the Grand Prize to another entrant”

“But I also don’t believe there’s any strong arguments for making that a bad thing.”

God, there was so much fuckery that I forgot to mention the bit about them getting rid of the WATER COOLERS AND FREE COFFEE. 

I’m delighted for him. My former BiL caddied for him once, and said he was one of the nicest players he’d met – and he’s caddied on the European and US tours!

It’s stuff like this that prevents me from entering a competitive environment in any game.

I have, for many years, maintained the truism that fighting with honor creates only a moral obligation to lose. If you cannot sort a route around your opponent’s tactics, that’s on you.  So long as the play was within established

Hi fellow Mainer. I teach in the UMaine system. I can't imagine bribing my way into a party school like USC.

This was the most Meghany Meghan yet. The topic had nothing to do with her family and she went right to how EVERYTHING is about her family - because her family has benefitted from legacy admissions for generations, and rather than just not mentioning it, she brazenly defended it.

USM’s a lot easier to get into, though (I say this as someone who has attended USM and was super pleased with it).

Although they are public institutions, UC Berkeley and UCLA are two of the highest rated and most competitive schools in the world. They’ve always given preferential admissions to California residents, but they’ve reduced that policy in recent years because lucrative out-of-state resident tuition is competitive with

USC is not a state school. However, many of the state schools in California are typically harder to get into than USC (e.g. Berkeley and UCLA). Given the number of applicants (UCLA is frequently the most applied to school in the country) and the population of California, being a California resident isn’t that much of

USC is a private school. You’re thinking of the UC system of state schools, but some of them are just as competitive (UCLA and UC Berkeley have a 16% admit rate).

USC is a private school; not part of University of CA. Most California state schools are very competitive, however.  Being a resident makes them less expensive, but pretty sure gives little advantage in admission.

USC is a private school and not part of the state system. All state schools either are Cal State [insert name here] or UC [insert name here].

USC is not a state school. The state schools all start with UC as in UC Berkeley and CS as in Cal State SLB.

USC is a private college, but UCLA was also a main target in the scam and is for sure a public college.

In know right? Because supporting apartheid and climate denial are reasonable opinions!

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