
Generally I don’t follow streamers, but Annemunition is one of those that I’ve personally encountered online and left a mark on me. I was playing some Overwatch on the PTR server sometime ago, one of the builds that either included a new character or was a complete rework of another. I was playing Mercy and doing what

I mean I can’t wait for the day when men decide to stop participating in things so I can finally go to a party and not have to worry about being touched inappropriately or having gross comments made to me or being hounded around the room by some fucking dude. Oh, please, no, don’t stay home! Whatever shall we do

I heard an interview w/Laurie Metcalf on NPR where she basically waved it all off saying that she thinks this is just a persona that Roseanne puts on. All I could think was, is that supposed to make it OK?

It’s true. Thanks!

In the history of first stories for a website this has to be one of the ones you didn’t think you’d be doing.

It probably never occurred to anyone that he would actually run. People are generally used to smiling indulgently and patting him on the head when he starts talking.

In Bateman’s case, I’m not necessarily of the mind that he’s hiding skeletons of his own. I actually know a lot of guys like this. What I recognize here is insouciant white bro confidence which allows them to believe they’re the objective arbiter of all subjects, coupled with a deep-seeded West Coast aversion to any

I’m a historian. Thats 100% accurate to history.

“Where is the orgasm?”

I think this is the first, last and only time I have ever or will ever agree with PTC, so mark it on your calendars.

How absolutely unaware of the world around you do you have to be to not know this? Tillerson had it absolutely right. He is a fucking moron.

In a restaurant full of people, he chose to publicly shame and threaten some people who spoke Spanish, and could have actually ruined their lives if he had followed through with calling ICE. And when this video came out, it became clear that he had done this type of stuff before. He isn’t a victim, and this sentiment

Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.

By the admission of the very people who designed the program, our torture program was, and I’m quoting them directly here, “reverse-engineered” from the field training we gave our military officers after said officers were subjected to torture in Korea and Vietnam.

I’ve said for years that when it comes to “enhanced interrogation methods” the only people who should be allowed to have the power to authorize and/or engage in these techniques...must first, voluntarily, be subjected to them....and for the length of time with which they have authority to authorize or act.

I’m confused — did you bang him on a park bench, or refuse to touch him at his grandfather’s funeral?

If I could write a shrug, I would. Melania is getting exactly what she deserves.

I agree with approximately zero of this man’s policies. I thought his inflicting Sarah Palin on all of us was one of the worst political blunders of the last fifty years. I vigorously campaigned against him, and would do so still. But now that we have seen the depths of GOP hypocrisy, and the absolute vacuum of

Alia Shawkat remains classy as F. David Cross needs to go away. Forever. Starting now.

I wouldn’t call that picture a police station mug shot, that’s more of a cop profile.