
1.) Its walmart

This is where we are in society today. Ryan Felton says he never got the call. The judge in a legal decision says he wouldn’t place the call. Yet that’s not good enough for For Sweden. Shit Swed, how do we KNOW anything?

that particular company is having a fairly bad last twelve months.

Most highways have a minimum speed limit. This is one of those cases that perfectly highlights why we have a minimum limit.

Not sure why the second truck driver responded as he did but I can’t fault the first one. He was going the same speed as other traffic and made the only evasive maneuver he could, with a bus in the lane beside him.

Are you serious? They are on the highway and those trucks have speed limiters.

You’re a fucking idiot. It’s 100% on the car.

Ah, yes, the lesser known “right to ad revenue” clause in the First Amendment.

How fucking pathetic that this program didn’t get the death penalty.

Vets are cool till you have to reimburse them for the services they provided you.

There was also political and racial gerrymandering, which also seems to be largely absent from Sanders’ rhetoric (happy to reconsider this if someone can throw some links my way).

This is so true. As a teacher at an overcrowded Title I high school in a RTW state, I can live on my salary (... if I work summer school and stay childless). It is the teaching conditions that these teachers are experiencing that will cause the most harm to everyone involved (teachers burnout and students hate

If there was one thing that showed just how deluded the large shareholders of Tesla are it’s this pay package. It is totally absurd!

Unions are the only way to save the middle class. Good for you guys and best of luck.

The funny thing is that the asshole could have gotten much more for the wall in return for protection/a path to citizenship for DACA-eligible residents, but instead he had to insist on also slashing legal immigration. He’s amazingly incompetent at enacting any of his plans.

It’s totally his fault.

Guys, you can learn and get certified for CPR in like an afternoon. Theres plenty of time after that to , I dunno, push for common sense gun laws.

Can you imagine a car company doing something like that today? Circumventing a bad review by just... going to geographical places where that review would most likely to hold the least amount of weight?

It’s almost trite to keep reiterating this point, but until America’s police forces repudiate the ideology that these streets are a warzone and that suspects are the enemy combatants things like this will continue to happen. Likewise, it’s absurd to expect that community relations between the police and the most