
Yeah, I don’t understand the logic of her claim about it being an inappropriate question. It is a major newsitem relating to her father with whom she has both a close personal and business relationship. The reporter is not making up stuff or going in to salacious detail. Ivanka, in turn, clearly has a choice to say if

I don’t know. This seems completely out of character for these women. They’ve always seemed more like train wrecks than they do ship wrecks.

I read somewhere recently that if his father had told him he loved him even once we wouldn’t be going through this right now.

I honestly don’t think he has any of his own. His is the most unprincipled man I’ve ever seen. And I don’t even say this because I hate him, which I do, he just literally has no morals, principles or values.

Short answer: yes.

1. it was a joke

Like most athletes who wind up in Sacremento, he was confused, upset, and looked for any way to get the hell out of there.

He didn’t discover it, but that’s certainly when most folks learned about it - the video went viral (hence my ‘general public consciousness’ wording) The first discovery, which is credited in the video, comes from Average Josh.

I don’t have kids either, but what in the fuck. You don’t have a license to walk around society unperturbed by the existence of Others. Human beings are imperfect, you might wanna get used to it.

Show some actual fucking remorse or contrition instead of passing these charges off as gossip?

Right wingers love the military when they are over-seas killing people for corporate interests, but as soon as those soldiers are home right wingers dont give a fuck about them and let them die in the gutter.

Quick explanation in the off-off-off chance you’re serious: No one is alleging that Daniels is a prostitute. No one has EVER alleged that. She is, if the allegations are true, a person with whom Trump had an extramarital affair. On it’s own, that’s no big deal. But here’s the rub (so to speak): if this is true, it’s

Let me break it down for you: Working as a prostitute=OK. Cheating on your wife shortly after the birth of your son, and then paying hush money to your mistress so she doesn’t sink your political campaign= not OK. They’re not even in the same ballpark of things.

I think it’s the opposite, they are fully aware of having a national audience but just don’t see anything creepy about sexualizing a 17 year old Olympic athlete on air.

Or your wife will probably get shot and killed while she’s scrabbling for her gun while the intruder is already armed and loaded. The flip side of your fantasy is a goddamn nightmare. Fortunately Gavin is British and we figured out guns were a bad idea decades ago. Call us when America decides to emerge from the dark

And this is how homeowners get shot and killed by their assailant. They think of the situation as “it’s go time”. You’d think.......you’d THINK with all this talk about “guns for homeowners” the NRA would be screaming from the mountain top every single time there was a story about a home owner who shot and killed an

Here’s another scary thing:

When I’m looking for direction in my political philosophies, I try to find the late teen white boy, who typically has the requisite knowledge and experience to teach me the finer points of Ayn Randian libertarianism and why liberalism is a disease.