
It’s about stakes. Would you rather get your thrills hacking someone, then having to worry about the Secret Service and FBI tracking you down, or some city’s overworked ‘cybercrime’ unit? These are small minded men living off lizard brain level pleasure/pain response loops. The last thing they want is to face actual

I doubt that bridge will be approached, because the alternative is that a liar caused such a social media stirrup that led to an actual game developer killing themselves, and I don’t think anyone wants that to be the truth.

That was very definitely the bulk of her propaganda and image building for years, and most people ate it up, because she was very good at hiding what she was doing deep in committee procedure, or within much larger majorities. Simple truth- most people don’t know or care how committees work, so she was very successful

As a Maine voter for all but one election, she’s right that we value integrity and independence. However for many of us, she stopped showing anything like that years ago, and the Kavanaugh vote was simply the most egregious example.

Susan Collins only bucks her party in alignment with her constituent wishes, when that

Exactly. This article did great excoriating Stephens, but missed the key issue in this particular case- Stephens has spent tons of time and been paid good money for a LOT of bad work chiding people for being too sensitive, or overreacting when someone says something about them. The real joy for me in reading his

The stagecraft for this was amazing. When it comes to heart and energy from the performer though, I liked Lizzo’s performance better.

Because I remember a world where Sony was proving incapable of making good Spider Man movies and had to ask Marvel for help. This almost certainly will become an attempt to make a cheeseburger with the cheese removed.

What editor/publisher in their right mind hires a reporter to cover something where they’d be incapable of asking questions about key issues? Even if none of the women candidates make it past the primary (and I hope to god that’s not the case), these issues are going to be central to both what the next president will

I wish the rest of the country had listened to all the NYC folk trying to warn them how the entire family was complete shit.

Much like Beto.

Once in GoldenEye64 I launched a perfect grenade shot down a stairwell, it ricocheted 3 times and came out the door at the bottom of the stairs to kill my friend hiding to the left side of that door. My original intent was just to explode the stairwell to keep him from coming up while I ran off.

You could have a set shoulder height curtain in front of an electronic scale and do the actual weighing in a quarter of the time.

The format’s failing, more than Conan himself. Far more people consume late night shows in day after videos like the above now.

I’d be so much happier if they moved Chris Hayes to 7pm, Maddow to 8, Ari to 9, and give someone like Kornacki or Katy Tur the 6pm block. Matthews can retire, write books, do some specials where he doesn’t have to read from a prompter Live, and occasionally come in as a guest.

Or worst case scenario, move him back to

The biggest problem I have with Rangers is anything they can do, another class can do better, and the sum of all their abilities doesn’t make up for that. If I want to be the guy who shoots arrows, I should take a Fighter. If I want a helpful pet, Wizard and Warlock familiars have much easier to use option that is

If there’s no cliff diving, or a way to strand my Sim on a small island with just a volleyball, I’m not sure I see the point really...


To an extent you’re right, but trust me, Bernie’s camp is ecstatic not to be on the same stage as Warren. She’s the reason he’s been tanking, and he’d much rather spend his camera time railing against centrists, than have Warren show in stark terms how Bernie’s ideals don’t match up to her concrete solutions.

SImple truth- A celebrity doesn’t have the pull to hide a plane crash from the federal government. If it was a minor incident (of the sort that couldn’t possibly cause the injuries she claimed) then maybe she could paper it over, but that’s a big if and she’d have to pretty much be sole owner of the plane.

For a trip of this distance, less about the earth being round and more about moving smaller planes out of the way of big ones, or around weather.

After seeing video last night, he had the hat on inside the building and a good part of the way across the stage before he realized he should probably take it off.