
It’s certain sure that he wouldn’t have the balls to ‘pay his dues’ in state level politics, so that would mean a House seat I guess? None of the districts he could credibly run in as a ‘resident’ in NY or NJ would vote for him if he ran on his dad’s positions, and there’s only a vanishingly small chance he could

but am wondering what Michael Avenatti needs to do to graduate from “sort-of-sexy” to just plain sexy?

Some have been there for a while, and welcome you to the party.

The number of things Today has done wrong (or discovered they’d been doing wrong *waves at Matt Lauer*) since losing the #1 spot, is just getting longer and longer.

I don’t think we’re at the point where a movie studio would greenlight a Batgirl movie for ‘the one no one knows about’. 99% sure it would end up being a Barbara Gordon movie, which would present its own can of worms.

and Barbara breastfed that 3 year old girl until the day she died, the main reason her hair turned white so young. From where I sit, she can do whatever the hell she wants after the funeral.

Like I said, two sides to ever story.

I’m no fan of nonstop hagiography when someone dies, but at least try to balance the equation dude. She occasionally said some mean and backward shit, but she did a lot of good too. Ignoring either one doesn’t do anyone any favors.

The people around him are so inept, it’s probably pretty safe to invite him to everything, knowing they won’t figure out what to do with it until at least a week after it happened.

I had Florida press conference with Shinzo Abe muted while I worked, and I just kept looking at the room and how incredibly tacky it seemed.

But you don’t think I’m wrong, do you? *grin*

I’m betting she’s really in her 30s, kind of like that weird horror movie from a few years ago.

Mary’s story is a bit creepier than the typical sort of keepsake, my gf just shared it with me. Percy’s heart was calcified because of a bout with tuberculosis, and thus did not burn when they had him on the pyre. His friend took it from the ashes, but later gave it to Mary. She kept it and took it almost everywhere

I’m only bugged because so many of the errors involved the woman’s name. I know autocorrect or a really touchy spellcheck can be a bitch, but an author owes some care and attention to detail to the person they’re writing about, ESPECIALLY when it’s a woman giving painful testimony like this.

Trump was a tabula rasa candidate who ran against 16 more or less legacy Republicans in during a campaign centered on an electorate angry at the establishment. Paul Ryan, if he ran would have no way to distance himself from the last 22 years of the Republican track record, and no credible record of resisting Trump as

This is the same guy that ended up spending large chunks of his VP run at events with his boss because neither of them had the personality to fill venues by themselves. He’s not some juggernaut candidate in waiting. That myth got busted in ‘12

Jail will sober him up right quick, after this little stunt.

You’re not wrong, Project Red Map was specifically designed to bankroll the normal Republican majority in 2000 into a 20-30 year majority through gerrymandering and state level control.

Barack Obama and Eric Holder have made it their post-presidency goal to try and counter that partisan swing in 10 years, not 20+ and

They complain about the VA because they can’t admit the problems stem from the fact they started two wars at the same time Vietnam vets were becoming senior citizens, and they didn’t want to increase the VA budget. Couple that with not wanting to pay for upgrading the VA data systems along with the Pentagon’s.

Consider it more getting back to basics, because they’ve done it off and on for years.

Last night on a talking head show, I heard someone say that after Trump would be like after Watergate, a whole new raft of laws on corruption in government and campaign finance to correct these loopholes they’ve taken advantage of.

I laughcried for minutes.

Unless something actually bad happens (not just nearly avoiding