
Because I have an IQ greater than the sum of my fingers and toes (and honest to gosh not because I fantasize about killing anyone). I’ve already thought of 3-6 better ways to execute this plan.

Makes me glad I’m the kind of person that catches mice in my apartment and releases them in the attached barn, knowing they’ll

Note “estranged pregnant wife” to an asshole like this, a divorce with a child support cherry on top is anything but freedom.

Now playing

It’s impossible to tell what his real emotional state is at any given moment, but yeah, plenty of press/tv interviews out there with both of them now.

Have you ever watched any interviews with the Alabama Secretary of State? He’s talked openly about people needing to prove they deserve the right to vote, trust me, there won’t be.

on the topic of the Rothschilds, Zionist control over world politics, and the involvement of Israel in the planning of the 9/11 attacks.

Part of me kind of would love to see him try to take Alabama to court, only to be ruled against by the same State Supreme Court he got himself kicked off (twice), and then if this sort of thing actually goes up through the federal system, get to the Supreme Court he flouted when it came to the Windsor ruling.

Paul Ryan wants to run for president so badly he can taste it. He won’t let them pin a mid-term loss on him. The only way he’d find that acceptable is if he really thinks he can get entitlement reform done next year (he can’t, not with a 51 seat Senate). He doesn’t want the two things people remember about him in 2023

I liked this scene and the spearfishing scene for one big reason. It showed someone doing day to day living in a Star Wars world. Rey hunting for salvage for a day just to get meager scraps. Luke living in a stone hut and hunting fish and milking sea things for food. It makes it feel real in a movie way.

My favorite SW

Not to toot my own horn since I had very little to do with the process, but I spent yesterday road tripping with a friend from HS from Maine to Connecticut to pick up her new kitten, which she’d adopted from my girlfriend’s rescue, who had gotten her from a foster in Dallas, who had gotten her from a wood pile in

Thank you so much, I’ll let him know. He loves adulation from the internet. It gives him leverage when I screw up.

As usual, the best evidence that they don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to genetics and evolution is right in the mirror (or in this case in their photograph).

And because I wasn’t clear, you need to do your due diligence with rescues as well.

Your answer probably depends largely on whether or not you believe in buying dogs from reputable breeders or adopting.

It’s by design. His old tweets are literally his Do The Opposite list.

Buzzkill. Whatever, it’s still awful.

Let’s be clear here, there’s as many different ideas on how to explore space at NASA as there are people who work there. Right now the group of people who believe in numerous, cheap, and robust missions using robotics and remote sensing are in the majority, and they’re right. 99% of the stuff we could learn on the

This is entirely Pence and Gingrich’s fault. Pence really does live in the black and white, so hip he can’t see past his pelvis, part of the 60s and it leads him to think this is a good idea. Gingrich is just insane... or someone told him there was a really cool zoo on the Moon (dude has a zoo fetish, don’t ask me

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I kind of love you. In that nerdy, let’s be smart with our money and not risk lives until we’re ready kind of way.

Yeah I’ve heard rumors like that too, but I was (poorly) referring to the specific kind of sexual assault sort of asshole, not just being a generalized jerk. I mean, not that going too far in that sense wouldn’t be seriously uncool, just not a reason to give up hope on him.