
I’m no lawyer either, but there is a ton of well trod legal ground about what the First does and does not cover. My understanding is if you look like a duck and quack like a duck the law is going to treat you like a duck. In other words, since they operate as a bakery and the bulk of their business is accepting

I look forward to the plaintiff’s lawyers backing up a dump truck’s worth of settled law that shows a business of public accommodation like this doesn’t qualify as exercise of free speech, and burying the defendant’s table in it. 

Point of clarification; they don’t give a rat’s ass about religious intolerence in general, they care very deeply about Christian Fundamentalist intolerance and that’s about it.

I’m still waiting for John Kelly to get around to her job review and discover that (like Bannon and Gorka) she doesn’t actually do jack shit other than go on tv. I’d love to see her unedited schedule and be surprised that she’s doing important work for the people, but I wouldn’t bet money on it.

Just like all Fox shows, I don’t plan on watching this until I know it has at least survived til its second season. However I strongly suspect that Orville isn’t going to bring anything to the table that smaller budget internet shows like Starship Icarus from Cracked.com and Other Space from Yahoo, haven’t already

Though Congress will ultimately determine the fate of DACA recipients in the months to come,

The cop would have handed his request in at the desk and been left cooling his heels in the waiting room, at least that’s how I hope they plan to implement this.

No one can fix everything, especially on a world with 7 billion people. Do what you can, live your best life, be an example. Above all realize punishing yourself or those around you won’t make things better.

The absolute most anyone there should have done was make sure supervisors were on their way, and (only if) the officers tried to drive away before they got there, then block their vehicle. They said they wanted to put her in the car, and as unreasonable as the ‘arrest’ may have been, that is not an unreasonable step

It’s the weekend, crossposting is always used more often to cover the gaps and keep the pages updating.

I’ve been going through that sleeping thing too. For me it has to do with the shortening daylight.

Verbal Bukkake

I’m sure its existence is solely to vex people.

Don’t feel bad, Spicey wasn’t some naive guy who got sucked in, he spent months flakking for Trump as an RNC spokesman before he got the gig, and has been a spokesman for years before that. He went in with eyes open and got EXACTLY what he deserved, considering he’s B-grade talent with little professional ethics.

If the opportunity presented itself, wouldn’t you take an extra month hanging around that kind of circus being a sounding board for your soon-to-be former colleagues? I’m sure he gathered enough material for 3 more chapters in his eventual tell-all book.

She brings nothing to the table Trump doesn’t already have, no money, no support, no political connections. And I’m sure by his estimates, she’s not pretty enough to keep around (which is his only other reason for employing a female).

Me too. I even went looking for confirmation, not because I doubt you but because I feel like I can’t trust anything these days.

They filed for the re-elect on Inauguration Day. They didn’t want to have to stop raising money, and quickly they realized daddy needed rallies to keep his feewings good. Most of the money is getting funneled into rents at Trump facilities, and legal fees.

He’ll just go back to paying them, like he did at the beginning of his campaign.

It could be my favorite band playing just for me, and if security had taken my water after hours in 100+ degree weather, I’d be out of there too.