
Again, someone else who's stupidity is causing me physical pain.

Dude.. It's a joke highlighting Sony's attitude of one upping MS at all fronts. Relax.

God, your idiocy has LITERALLY caused me physical pain.

It's ok, we get it, you don't like the Xbox One. There's a PS4 for people like you.

This just in, Sony's PLAYSTATION NOW service will use the cloud EVEN MORE!

During a presentation in Los Angeles last month, 343's Frank O'Conner touched on this topic. "Any quirks or tricks that you had learned over the years, they're still going to be in there," he said. "It should feel almost verbatim. There'll be some tiny little changes, render changes or some weird jump bug. But we're

i have a home arcade as well and to be honest, it's a LOT of time, and money. Not taking your time can place your priorities elsewhere.. and losing what should be important to you.

Mrs. Vengeance (my wife) and I have had several discussions before about my arcade and while the work I do in the arcade community pays

We've been reading your comments and suggestions, and we couldn't agree more: to be accessible to more kids and families, we need to be on MOBILE DEVICES. We also need to be on ANDROID. And for families and classrooms — especially those that can't afford computers or tablets for each child — we also need to be on

I would rather (and normally prefer) to play as a Strong, Female character with an average body (because unless it's specifically about how she looks why does body type matter?) than play as a chesty bimbo or a muscle-headed leatherneck.

-A Heterosexual male.

This is not chiptune. It's Synthesized J-Pop. Seriously. This is Chiptune (with backing guitars)

Wow, what an idiot.

"Superior US versions".. "Colorful wooden cabinets"

All that says to me is massive wastes of space and a firewood supply.

I love the four (and possibly 5 in the next week) Candies I have. They are far superior to me than American "Dedi-cabs"

You do realize Brian is in Japan, right? And he has more

I own four, myself. and yes. they're a PAIN to maintain, find parts for and get over here

wow, does your choice in gaming console make you feel more secure with your small penis, your lack of "IRL" friends and your non-existent love life?

Not a Good Match For: Mediocrity fans. People who argue with Portal 2's greatness are like folks complaining that diamonds came from dirt. Their argument is invalid.

Now playing

for those that DON'T know what Mickey in Japanese sounds like.

no, THIS is Reel Big Fish.

All I think of is the MC Bat commander when I see the old cap movie..

hey guys, I have an idea, lets take EVERYTHING that has been established in good controller design and THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW. because people love taking their thumbs off the analog joysticks to press buttons, yeah? lets keep doing that but DO IT WITH BOTH thumbs. Oh, and and a TOUCH screen on the controller, because
