well said. I personally believe in using a tool until it's completely unusable. If the iPad 4 comes out and the iPad2 is still working just fine, I'm cool with not upgrading. when it finally kicks the bucket, THEN I'll upgrade.
well said. I personally believe in using a tool until it's completely unusable. If the iPad 4 comes out and the iPad2 is still working just fine, I'm cool with not upgrading. when it finally kicks the bucket, THEN I'll upgrade.
!0 hours is NOTHING when it comes to constant use. I Highly doubt that the battery can handle 10 hours of straight use.
A lot of your desires are awesome ones.. the problem is, you're dealing with a MOBILE OS. I know it's based on OSX, but it's not REALLY OSX.
No Manos, Hands of fate?
They Just Hate OSC because he's a MORMON *GASP!*
Excuse the pun, but it effing sucks. There is no transfer of energy AT ALL, which means more effort to get the same output.
Had to.
I must correct you here.. WP8 will be running the W8 OS. If an app was written for ARM, it's going to work on the tablet AND the phone. Most apps will be written for x86/ARM as developers will want to capitalize on the mobile market.
Is.. is that a Sorin, Lord of Inistrad in his graveyard?
Are you sure? they're going to release a version of office for the ipad...
it's 2 feet, not 2 meters.
Kudos to you!
But have you used WP? Serious. My best friend (an Apple guy) just got the HTC Radar and LOVES it. Blew my mind.
Agreed.. If anything, they're not apple fanboys (there's the whole iPhone 4 prototype brouhaha..).
I thought the same thing!
Agreed. I think apple Realizes the threat of an ACTUAL DESKTOP OS on a tablet and really had to double down on this new IPAD. Unfortunately, I think that the chest pounding isn't going to be enough from keeping people that aren't already drinking the Apple Kool-aid from buying a new piece of hardware.
Exactly. Good to see someone else gets it.
Assassin's Should be Assassins in the final sentence of the BLACK, WHITE, GREY section.
AMEN. It seriously isn't that great of a game. I don't remember being all that impressed with it in 2004 when it came out. Just another run of the mill FPS with a voiceless protagonist.
I was with you until the "gaming sucks" bit, then realized sarcasm mode was on. but I agree. Ninty BLOWS and Capcom has been doing the same thing as of late.... cashing in on nostalgia.