
even more reason to not waste a missile!

I can confirm that Utah would be a great place to wait out the apocalypse. I live here. Why waste a nuke on a city with less than a million people in it? Also, the people here have stockpiles of EVERYTHING (some even have stockpiles of alcohol and porn for those inclined).

If you have an axe to grind against someone because of the way they live their life, you truly are an unhappy person. While many in my faith are more opinionated than I am about certain things, It's not my position to place judgement on someone because they believe something different (or differently, or not at all).

Bravo! Way to be a decent human! (really, no joke!)

Wow, I thought I'd seen and heard every single way my faith could be skewed and misunderstood, but your definition takes the cake.

You are correct, Many Mormons (usually my self included) are very friendly and honest, sometimes going out of their way to be so. My apologies If I came across as testy. It's a bit stressful to me for my faith to be under the microscope as of late.

I assure you, Giant Mechanical Mosquitoes are not in any way, shape, or form, part of the belief system of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (AKA Mormon Church).

No, Utahn is correct vernacular.

As a Utahn and a member of the LDS church, I came to see all the Utah/Mormon hate (you know, because it's so en vogue to hate on the two, especially since one of those weirdos is running for president, you know) and FashunVictum did not disappoint.

WTF did I just watch?

I was skating long before this game came out.. I started when VG9 came out. My first pair were the K2 Backyard Bob, then the Bing Air.. So that was... 1997-1998 I think? so, I've been skating for a good 15 years now.

Like I said, the original Xbox has PSO. I played it for a few years, when the lobbies played the most annoying rendition of jingle bells well into the summer months due to the lack of updates. I don't think a port is going to happen.. too many people would go into PTSD flashbacks of perma-christmas...

they had PSO v1&2 on the original xbox (which was stuck in perpetual christmas for YEARS due to lack of updating)

I STILL Skate! Rockin Xsjados right now!

Yes, it is.

To give you a better picture, the IIS orbits at About 100km above the surface of the earth. a trip from the surface to the IIS would take half an hour. 36,000 K (as described in the article) is close to 1/4 the distance between the earth and the moon. it would really be a launching point for interplanetary travel.

You forgot to mention that it could interface with the greatest console of all time,

"Did you catch what he said there, readers?

Obayashi Corp?