I'm 12 and what is this?
I'm 12 and what is this?
Up until recently my Cousin was an engineer at JPL for the Mars Science Laboratory.
Is it just me or do some of these screenshots look almost like borderlands-esque cell shading?
Blizzard and valve both.
I used to think that things like this were fan service... but now, I realize it's pandering.
lol epic response!
I'm almost scared to ask, let alone google, but WTF, I'll ask anyway..
Ten! Ten! Ten!
again, dude. does 16 MP camera do anything for you?? While the Nokia is Amazing, the camera alone is pulling me in.
This game was one of the reasons I bought a PSP and it was AMAZING.
This Man needs to be starred. PRONTO.
Holy shit. Are you my long lost brother?! I think the exact same thing! Entitled Whiny Brats, angry at their parents and the culture for being "oppressive" when it's their own damn fault.
No offence was intended, My family settled this valley as well, and I have friends/family that live there. I was trying to use vernacular that people "in the know" like ourselves would understand. Not suggesting that you leave because of a stereotype placed on living in a particular location.
I'm well aware they're working and have released other things.. how long has it been teased though? Even episode 3, which was supposed to be an every other year release, wasn't released.. C'mon valve.
lol, your disclosure gives away your location! Still in Happy valley? I'm a SL Valley guy myself.
Cock teasing bastards.
The man will get some fierce resistance, but is exactly who needs to win. The guy has his head on straight, that's for sure.
I'm with you on this. HL was a great game, HL2 felt like the HL IP shoehorned into a completely different story.. one that was only connected to the events in HL1 because of the NPCs. It could have been a completely different game, really.