Your post is not labeled correctly..
Your post is not labeled correctly..
in the gears universe, they previously didn't allow women to be soldiers because the Human race was so decimated, they needed to focus on other things... like making babies.
OR, for those of us that remember the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley," Here he is playing Steve Balmer.
Hastily put together, but the same thing.
The part with the lambent berserker was Demoed about a year ago, but it was played during a daytime setting in the game.
You, sir, Just dropped a truth bomb.
so many memories of so many CTF matches on this map....
no credit resets. these multiplayer maps will be treated like a map pack for reach. all of the reach multiplayer will be available on the Halo CE anniversary disc as well.
Looks like Scarlett's been
Hmm.. opportunistic scammer on ebay maybe?
I've already seen the gold lancer skins on ebay for 80 bucks so guaranteed, they'll be around somewhere.
It's shit like this SQUEENIX. Seriously. FF7 it already.
agreed. Win7 is the best desktop operating system Microsoft has ever released.
Win7 was a bad idea?
That's a slamming deal, even if you don't like it. Buy it, then sell the game to Gamestop/amazon, then sell the fire hat code on ebay.
Well done, bashcraft. You have stolen the words directly out of my mouth.
Maybe MS doesn't want to be apple.. if they did they would have gotten rid of the task bar years ago, added a menu bar to the desktop and started sorting the Icons on the right side of the screen.
you had me fired up right to the "/Sarcasm"
WhatsApp support for WP7.5 will be incoming after the Mango release.