
like I said, he's the most moderate mormon in politics, next to harry reid. He's already implied that he's not going to make a big deal over his faith so, that's a plus. Politicians need to use their office to better the people, rather than use it to beat their chests over religion.

didn't say I was going to vote for him, lol. that WOULD be overboard if I was planning on him winning.

Must be from Utah.

BLASPHEMY! @kobun as well!

lol, Utah is close to 50% Mormon (or rather LDS, if you want to be CORRECT), so it wasn't just members of the church that elected him. the first time he was elected, he won the office with a 57% vote. Huntsman may be a republican, but he's the most moderate republican out there. He was for same sex civil unions

you mean President elect huntsman ;)

damn, beat me to it.

you just described Good Luck Charlie and Wizards of Waverly Place to a T. Both horribly over scripted and over acted "comedies".

former Insomniac Games and Naught Dog developers

less pr0n is bad pr0n.

I do. fits best on my computer desk that way.

My wife really liked The Spirits Within, knowing nothing about the games. She then saw Advent children and asked me, "WTF?! how does this fit in with the last movie?"

they wanted to add unlocks for Bulletstorm AND UT3, but because they were published by another company, it wouldn't work.

if this is on XBLM, it will be RARE's version, not Activision's crappy remake. Nintendo is the reason why it's not on XBLM now, and will never be on it. Sad.

Gamestops in the SLC area during the outage weren't accepting PS3s for trade.


The Zune device wasn't that bad (I love mine) and the Zune software makes iTunes look like a spreadsheet. You can't argue with me on that.

IM+ just came out. has support for everything but MSN, but that will be built into mango.

yes. confirmed for Mango.

Gizmodo actually posts a GOOD WP7.5 review?! Has hell frozen over?