
@RyanBaer: animal crossing was an N64 game in japan.

@Stymie99: I'd like to call it "Learning from Apple's (and their own) mistakes."

@mustardcanbefun: I so wish I could promote this comment.. how do I get that ability?

@Saint In: yeah, but it's still a break in the game play.

@Stymie99: like I said, the more you fight, the more determined they get to break the security.

@Shippoyasha: "Then again, I didn't expect them to come out busting through walls with totally new IPs."

Way to show CLASS with homebrewers, MS. I'm really surprised with the way they've opened a dialog with the HB community since CheveronWP7 came out, rather than issuing an immediate update to close exploits.

@Spunkie: Simple answer, people host their own servers. Halo 2 servers were hosted by MS. they turned them off to allow for expansion for XBL.

I, for one, do not see anything wrong with this letter. What is listed are viable solutions including an end-all-be-all decision to terminate online gameplay for the console if the issues were bad enough. In no way did he say, "quit yer bitchin', we could shut it down, would you like that?"

I love how every comment in this thread is about how Brian didn't get it or how he didn't play the game the way it was meant to be played. While I love the amount of appreciation the fans are giving this game, have you ever stopped to think that as busy a man that Mr. Crecente is, perhaps he was trying to complete the

@PajamaSam: had a good chuckle over this one.

@WhoKnew?: dude, just because you don't want to own up to how impatient you were to get a replacement game system you flame me? I'm pointing out a MAJOR flaw to your argument. You weren't forced to buy the console from Gamestop, you CHOSE to buy it from them rather than be patient and wait the 3-7 days to get it from

@WhoKnew?: And I Quote from my first post:

"The new Mac version of Angry Birds..."

@WhoKnew?: Nope. No rewards other than a pat on the back. I've worked part time for GS for about 2 years now (I'm an IT admin full time, just working for the discount).