Fuck this noise! Konami, give us a new TMNT Tournament fighters in crisp HD 2D please!
Fuck this noise! Konami, give us a new TMNT Tournament fighters in crisp HD 2D please!
Masterful headline. Hats off.
Sadly, that's it. It's a shame because the art just great, but they seriously need a writer.
A jump scare is a cheap shock you can accomplish just by saying 'boo!' at the right moment to a toddler without context. These reactions are the result of a climax of dread built up over time. It's not really fair to label it as something as cheap as a jump scare.
That gif is quite something when you realise the camera is actually someone's first person perspective. Zelda is pretty brutal.
They really are characterless nobodies, aren't they? It's saying something when your big cyborg space whale ride has more personality than you. They are the trash mobs of the MCU.
I'm a fan (of the games and of Robin Williams), and I do not want this. At all.
People need stop projecting their mawkish sensibilities into the void and contaminating things for the rest of us.
If you think what the OP was doing was 'critiquing art' then you don't know what critiquing art is. Saying something looks 'fucking stupid' because it's not a 1:1 copy of an existing character is not critiquing art.
'Darksiders 1 cut boss' sort of made it into Darksiders 2. That's almost identical to the Wailing Host.
Felt inspired to make this, sorry about the misspelling of Ferguson! I'll never live that down:
Tbh, as someone standing on the outside, both are pretty much the same thing in terms of how much they excite me. I wish I could be as passionate about MGS as the rest of the gamer community seem to be, but I just don't see the appeal.
You're right, and I did second guess it as I put it. Imagine I said Russian or Arabic, or hell even Korean characters on her shirt, instead. Same difference.
Isn't this just like if she was in the UK saying she loved England but wearing a shirt with a French phrase on it? ie. No one in the UK would give a fuck.
Just while I was feeling depressed about the internet's scrutiny, along comes an article which highlights the positive aspect of it.
Almost disguises the mediocrity of the song. Almost.
I think the problem there is that gawker media sites just wholesale stopped allowing new 'star commenters' to be created when the new kinja stuff started to appear, so even if you were doing good posts and were getting recommends, star commenters were now a finite and exclusive club. It had another (if somewhat…
I don't plan on getting a console at all. This gen just isn't good enough, for me. We'll see what happens next time around.
Well, Mama shat me up plenty, (I also loved the original short) as that's the kind of movement in a 'ghost' that I find really unnerving (The Grudge had a similar affect on me).
So what's wrong with them then? I'm looking for something objective rather than the act you just don't like it. Btw, I won't be buying a PS4 (skipping consoles this gen), so I won't be playing/buying this game anyway.