"Why are there so few women in the industry? Does this really matter, and if so, why? What can we do about it? Is the industry sexist?"
"Why are there so few women in the industry? Does this really matter, and if so, why? What can we do about it? Is the industry sexist?"
There's no reason to think it couldn't be an Astro in an appropriately shaped cubby
I'm inclined to believe either a) its the energy field connection type or b) we were just witnessing a moment of slapstick and that's an actual disembodied droid head.
This is the story you go with instead of the harassment of the woman who made the shirt, huh? Nice spin.
No one in GG wants her to have anything to do with GG. Simply put, GG was expecting at least a tweet along the lines of 'got the details of the guy harassing me, contacting FBI' on her feed, so we know he's being dealt with. Not at gamergate, or even mentioning gamergate. That's not that out of the question is it,…
Misrepresentation by Jason. Ggers are frustrated with Anita, not for acknowledging their efforts, but for not acknowledging she is taking it further to the authorities. GGers tried calling police/FBI themselves, but they were told Anita had to do it herself as the one being targeted, they basically handed her all the…
I'm almost certain the reason the word is winning is exactly because of people who use the word and don't know what it means, or think its something you can wear as a shield while you engage in liberal bullying, or take it away from someone because they don't fit with what their definition of said label means.
The harassment HAS only gone in one direction, from misogynist nutjobs towards any woman that expresses an opinion about games
The harassment has been prominent in the last two months surrounded the GamerGate issue yes, I'm refuting the assertion that it's born of GamerGate. Your entire comment could apply to those against the tag, you know that right? Or are you saying harassment is OK as long as its in a single direction? Because I doubt…
That was the Dorito Pope. Not Blizzard. Watch the video dipshit. He went bug-eyed when GG was mentioned.
No #GamerGate tag, dipshit.
He didn't identify it as the Gamergate saga and everything that has happened around it, but come on: we all know what he was talking about, right?
It's not super clear, but the ethics policies of both Kotaku and Polygon were in this paragraph:
As an aside, of the Escapist interviews, 'Oakheart' is the one that I would closely align myself with.
I'm going to assume you genuinely don't know and aren't just being wilfully ignorant for point scoring.
Everything you've written is answered fully right here without me having to retype it out. I suggest you study up:
By trying to use ad revenue to influence journalistic outlets, GG is doing the exact opposite of what it claims.
The point: Complaining to advertisers is a legitimate consumer activist method. Gawker were ok with it until it was them.
She was talking about the cesspool of self-obsessed child rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture" -