
Well, it didn't turn up, so the fact it's not coming this year is self-evident, isn't it?


Good points

But others are arguing it's not about the event as such, but about communication.

What you say makes sense, but then you have to ask: Why don't the TF2 community act like this? I doubt Valve are in constant communication with them, either.

Call me an old stick in the mud, but I believe in using the correct word for the correct usage, whether it's zeitgeist, overused or not. I'm sorry my vocabulary upsets you, but I suspect it's because I've hit a nerve rather than used a word you've seen too much of. I'm sure it won't stop you battling this corner

Thanks for the measured response, but I don't actually like MOBA games. I've tried them, and they aren't for me.

I did say another reason. The learning curve vs. the amount of fun the game actually is, is not my cup of tea either.

Yeah like I needed another reason to ignore everything MOBA-related. "Entitled brats" doesn't quite cover it.

Welcome to Mass Effect pay-offs, I guess. :(

It's not. It's clever, and there is a reason for it.

Well yes, because the keys were being stolen for resale

At least they've all been disabled, so justice prevails for once. No lasting harm done.

I let Kaiden die even though Ashley was never involved in any of my decision making or missions and I hated her, just because I was hoping that she'd just turn into a more well-rounded person by the end of the game. Kaiden was a military experiment throw-back. It's probably best he died a hero instead of someone

God yes, that house was fucked up.

Alien vs. Predator (1999)

Same here. It's like Nintendo caving to the moaning media-vocal that the formula is 'tired' when it's the formula that was the reason people loved the games. The whingers don't know what they are asking.

I have no problem with people being fat. I have no problem with them getting plus-size clothes, eating as much candy or food as they want, or doing whatever they feel like doing. What I do have a problem with is special treatment they can receive in the form of airplane seating and motorised scooters etc. That shit

Titanfall? Oh right, that game everyone is going to be playing on PC! Gotcha! ;)

By sheer coincidence, equal in size to the exact area of space required to make decent use of Kinect!