
The new helmet designs are very close to the Halo ones, though.

I'm always seeing snakes, corvids, sloths and various reptiles as pets over there. It's just that here in the UK, you can't even get a permit for many.

I'm actually surprised it would be illegal in the States, as being someone from the UK (outside looking in), it seems like you guys can just grab whatever you want out of the wild and have it as a pet!

I just feel sorry for the owls :(

You mean canon, right?

I always changed it to the Japanese word for dagger, as 'Dagger' was always just a literal translation I assumed that loses its *ahem* edge in English.

Yep. I think the simplest advice should be: next time she asks you feedback, say you don't want to because of the comments it results in. She'll probably be outraged, but you've got the message across and at least you know she'll be thinking about it. Next time she asks for your feedback, she'll remember.

Except for the part where I jettison ballast in the form of unhappy friends, of course

I'm sure she'd have a lot to say about female Guile apparently only caring about her hair.

Look mate, I appreciate your enthusiasm, and it's actually a fairly decent game, but it is getting middling reviews and no one is saying it's better than Arkham City. No one.

That reason is the reason cross-platform games are 720p on the ps3.

Good point! I didn't think of the drop actually, I just noticed the steps just before they fly off.

For this particular one, I was a teenager in the nineties, and wore one of those really baggy jumpers everyone was into. So baggy, it hung on me like a smock. I also had a thick mop of hair, so a girl I knew took to calling me Lemming, after the video game Lemmings. I've never had a nickname, so it's just something

It is a coincidence. Also lemmings do not do that :)

To be fair, I don't think it's a mountain bike trail, it's a walking one.

I've been buying these as they came out for my PS3, but I'm thinking when the Steam Machines are released I'll be getting all three again via Steam to play on it as my customised 'launch titles', as I've heard they are going all Steamworks. (the first retroactively, of course).

This and Deus EX: HR Director's Cut are the precise reasons I've ignored the GTAV hype-wagon completely. I traded-in my vanilla Deus EX:HR and have been replaying Arkham City in preparation for the last few weeks. Super psyched!

I dunno man, I would take blueberry goop over dehydrated whole blueberries, but then I'm a philistine.

I've sampled the Tesco and Sainsbury's ones myself, but they are all the same as most of these 'supermarket brand' foodstuffs are. Pretty sure they all come from the same place.