
following that same pattern, but devolving in amusing, I tried 'Women will..'

Hah. didn't notice that, but I have to say, when Doom first game out, right up until the Quake 2 games, me and my friends always said 'I D software'. Then, when we finally heard a television advertisment that said 'from id' we all made a horrible face. It just sounded awful! Like when people says 'jibs' instead of

I'd argue that the latter is preferable to a bad ending, though. At least there's room left for interpretation!

Now playing

You've obviously not played that many games, for that long. I'd be annoyed that the game ended without a fanfare, but I wouldn't say it sets a precedent.

Heh, that was a good attempt at an Onion headline for the article header there!

I never said it was a good ending, but it had to end somewhere, and as the developer clearly feels that the story isn't over, they must have ended it at the point where they felt it wrapped the easiest. I think the biggest complaint people should have is that it was a full $15, not that it ended sooner than they

Because they did buy a finished game. A finished game that was shorter than they originally intended. Do have any idea how many games fall into that category but don't tell you about it? All of them. All the games.

You missed a blue door behind you before the last red one..

Well that was an ill-thought out comment.

I like the taste of Diet Coke, but am afraid of the long-term effects of aspartame. So I have to drink things I don't like very much, that are full of sugar :(

I await the next DLC, when we get 'Old Man Jenkins' which rapidly ages those hit by it.

It's was 3d in the same way that Doom was, I believe. There were some 3D geometry, but there were only 2 planes of play. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, no doubt.

Now playing

Pfft, you're way behind America. In Britain we've had a pretty cool Iranian-British comedien for ages! India? Where's the controversy??

They are PS3 only. X360 just has the avatar stuff.

"It never lets go of a key that it likes, so people give it keys to vaults and safes as a way to prevent crime"

Mp3 is my favourite of the trilogy. Sure, it was easier, but travelling from world to world felt like something Samus was always meant to do. There was an action-movie feel to to it that was lacking in the previous installments.

Don't people with genuine mental health issues tend to be on repressive medication or have decreet coping mechanisms? I'm not saying 'genuine' to minimise people, but as someone who knows a few people with genuine mental health issues, it becomes easier to spot the idiots who love to tell you they have depression

It's a harsh way to put it, but yeah it seems like if you're crying at work you should probably have not come into work that day, but then I'm an emotionally repressed Brit, so what do I know.

In case you haven't noticed, you map buttons to the right trackpad, you don't use the middle ones.