"Dangers", or more accurately "possible disappointments". No need to over do it.
"Dangers", or more accurately "possible disappointments". No need to over do it.
If he's using something like Unity, then the 2D and 3D art is the hardest part, and that's the part he knew well. Unity and its ilk are designed with artists in mind.
Yeah exactly. There's no way that's a bug. How could it possibly be? Physics and a bone (ha!) have been directly applied to it.
Game developers side, AFAIK. They are a graphic pop-up in-game after all, when they show.
Just do us a favour and a) get her spayed and b) get a bell on her collar so she can't kill unsuspecting wildlife!
It sounds like they've done you a favour, even if they've gone about it a shitty way. Nothing makes cutting ties easy like being a horrible person! Continuing a relationship with the family of someone you've only been with a year (really, it's not that long!), is a recipe for awkwardness, especially if you aren't over…
I would say you've already thought about this too much for this to remain a friends with benefits situation. By asking the question, you're giving the answer. Finish it and find a different fuck buddy or someone you do want to date. I will reiterate this incase it wasn't clear as well: finish it first. Don't string…
As long as you keep the gift in the realms of 'thanks for your help, pal' and don't go into 'I saw this and knew you'd like it because it brings out your eyes and there was that one time 2 years ago in June where you told me you liked these', then you're golden.
OK, here's my advice:
Square Enix release hit and miss stuff at a constant rate, fans of them get annoyed when they release garbage when they are clearly capable of getting it right. Valve only have hits and positive business decisions to their name. This is what good-will looks like.
I think you're somewhat paranoid. Valve, and Steam's whole ethos is about cross-platform play (concerning PCs). It won't be exclusive to a specific subset of Steam. That's tinfoil hat nonsense.
Heh, what I like about that definition, is that it makes Steam Machines more of a console than the current and next Xbox and Playstation.
HL3 being exclusive to Steam wont suck, it'd be pretty much expected. it won't be exclusive to SteamOS though, that's the distinction. Valve are all about cross-platform play with Steam. That means Windows, Linux, Mac. It doesn't mean Xbox or Playstation.
Nvidia all the way. Never seen a good reason to switch. If my card starts to feel like it's long in the tooth, it's not like Nvidia haven't got a better one available.
Glad you like it! If you find yourself at a loss, I found this wiki quite useful when I wanted to know more about certain aspects of the game.
I did spot an enemy on it. Hitting him will take you into some sort of confrontation, I think. We weren't able to try it.
I didn't until I played it, and then I found I'd sunk a fair few hours into it. Just playing survival mode and trying make a decent home and exploring the world. It's fun and, at times, quite scary.
I don't find MM different enough from OoT to warrant being in the top 2, or even 3 for me. It's a great game with some crazy ideas, but Wind Waker, Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time are my top 3 in no particular order. Hell, I probably like Twilight Princess more than MM.
I at first assumed your comment was sarcastic, because in what world with a myriad of genres do we need 3 superhero-based MMOs? But I think that you might be serious, in which case...my condolences.