They aren't valid at all, because Valve have used the controller, and those making the arguments haven't. You can't just argue on a hunch. Valve have the benefit of the doubt until we see the controller in use.
They aren't valid at all, because Valve have used the controller, and those making the arguments haven't. You can't just argue on a hunch. Valve have the benefit of the doubt until we see the controller in use.
The funniest comments are definitely the ones slagging off the new controller in relation to specific controls and game types, as if Valve just spat this out of an ACME controller machine and haven't actually, you know, used it.
That fact that it's yours, is super ironic.
Since IV, it's been abundantly clear that Rockstar need to go back to basics and make a truly great GTA. It needs to be smooth, fast, responsive, funny and primarily about stealing cars. It saddens me the bloated mess this series has become. 1, 2 and Vice City remain the standouts of the series.
I'm fairly certain the 'cool parent' thing is actually just fake reasoning for the fact they can't be arsed to discipline their children and wish to avoid any confrontation by saying yes to everything.
I'm almost certain that most people, men and women alike, use these 'techniques' unconsciously anyway.
It's still supposed to be everyone's day. I can't imagine the kind of arsehole these kids turn out to be having been given everything they asked for.
At least it highlights what's wrong with a lot of parenting. "But my kid wants it..." err..AND?!
On the one hand, I know how pointless punishing addicts can be, on the other, I feel that if you are responsible for a life growing inside you, you should be forcibly kept away from drugs and healthy until the baby is born, because if you are pregnant and taking drugs, you are a selfish, evil fucking waste of carbon.
it's not really 'ugly and wrong' though is it? Unless you're belittling women who have enhanced breasts. Inappropriate? Sure, depending on the game in quest and who it's aimed at. Unnatural? Well, yes in the strictest sense of the word. But never 'ugly' or 'wrong'.
I just see it as evidence that everyone secretly/overtly wants to be a video game developer.
Oh what 'research' could have been done? Stainless track record? It's decent enough. Anything else? Are you are some kind of private investigator?
I am a backer, and I am annoyed with Stainless, and it's not because of the DLC. It's because for the first few months since the KS, all I got were updates advertising and talking about development for Carmageddon 1 for iOS, then it goes into what it should've from the start: updates about Carmageddon Reincarnation,…
The internet is not US soil, genius.
Any of the ones in this thread should've been before a gazillion W40k/battlefleet gothic ones, I would've thought. I think they should've just stuck to movies/small screen.
The Eclipse is still one of my favourite designs.
A decent keyboard/trackball combo peripheral. Not strictly bundled, but something officially supported and purchasable. If i'm taking Steam to the living room, I want to be able to play Civ.
That costume was in Arkham City. And it's cool.
I read the link, but I feel I should warn you all - whoever wrote this can't spell 'canon'.
'Whiteskins' is no better. Why not be more compromising and less incendiary and call them the Tomahawks or something? Or like the NHL team the Blackhawks, name them after the predominant native american tribe in the Washington area. Keeping the 'theme' without the racial slur.