
Interesting theory, although I hope it's not true as it would completely undermine the object of Hagrid's lesson and the fact Buckbeak helps Harry.

I had a Gamecube and it didn't come out on PC until six months or so later. By then what vague interest I had in it (wasn't really grabbed by the setting and themes), had long dissipated.

You assume correct, sir/madam.

Ha! I've been gaming since the Spectrum 48k, sunshine. "This generation of gamers" Pffft! But you know, well done for judging my by one comment instead of waiting until all the comments I have yet to make throughout my entire life...

The game is guilty of not making this clear, but your little guys were clearly not powered-up enough. You are meant to spent a little time grinding your dudes out in the the wild between each segment of story. It may be Studio Ghibli, but it's still a JRPG.


Presumably they became gamers because they liked the games they were playing though, right?

I'd say third best, but that's super high praise for me. OOT and LTTP are just too awesome.

Is that guy's voice real or a comedy voice? Because he sounds like Lumpy Space Princess.

It doesn't invalidate her experience, but it does invalidate the article as a 'this is how it is in the industry' piece.

"Microsoft Doesn't Feel" would've been not only more succinct, but happily useable for most of your MS article headlines.

This is welcome, as it's one step closer to my desire to be able to 'trade-in' my Steam games for either credit in the Steam wallet, or swap them permanently with a friend.

The idea that his presence scared her I don't find strange at all. I do find it strange that it's ok for someone to be drunk at work at all, though.

Not really seeing the harm, location means for computer game development. Geography isn't an issue for an indie developer surely?

I realise the pitchforks will be brandished, but I actually don't like the Metroid lore (or at least, what it's been fleshed out into being). I prefered when the Chozo were just some ancient mysterious race in one little corner of the galaxy that died out, rather than the cliched benevolent overlord race of old, and I

What's weird is, I thought the technology of LED was cheaper, than LCD. Yes, it looks better (and that's why companies love to charge more for it), but it's supposed to be cheaper to manufacture, isn't it?

I'm so on the fence about a Vita, and I have been since day 1 release. I really like the idea of a handheld, but the main appeal for me is playing old games on it. Yes, I can play my PS1 classic psn purchases on it, but I'm still patiently waiting for it to be properly cracked so I can stick a SNES emulator on it.

Yes, it is. I'm usually the first to cry foul on wrongly perceived sexism, but this is sexism plain and simple. Even the designer's argument that she's a 'sniper in the desert' makes no sense, as you tend to wear more not less in the desert unless you want to die.

I've never played the Mario and Luigi games, but as for Paper Mario, I wouldn't personally say it was a JRPG either. I'd accept that some might though, given that it was made in Japan.

Elite would be the original in the franchise, yes. But saying its the original space sandbox game is more subjective as far as I'm concerned, as I don't rate Elite that much, and consider Frontier the pinnacle of the series. First Encounters was more of the same, but Frontier was much expanded over Elite.