

Frontier: Elite 2

Well if you didn't like the analogy there were two perfectly other valid reasons in the same comment.


All consoles are backwards comparable ;-)

I think you should cancel if you're not convinced you need to jump to the next generation of console, I don't think you should cancel for the next Xbox. I won't be buying either this year as there are tons of games for my Ps3 (current and yet to come out), but if I do get one eventually, it'll be the ps4.

It's not silly to have one console, it's modest. Even if you ignore people's priorities and financial situations, having more than one console in the house is about as logical as having two fridges. Yes, it could have its uses but it's unnecessary.

Actually, I'd argue it's too much like the boardgame. It's pretty pointless doing a computer version if you don't take advantage of the benefits of that system. It's lacking in atmosphere and polish. For instance, the Genestealer 'swipes' that kill the Terminators are a joke.

My god it's an actual technique employed at a Mexican-themed franchise?! That's obscene!

Thankfully, I've never encountered a 'zoned' Burrito. I can't imagine the madness that would persuade someone that was a good idea.

I love it, I just wish they hadn't used the goofy Legends Megaman as the lead.

A) You can't get sued for making a game that plays similar.

Do yourself a favour: download Zsnes, get a pad for your PC (if you can), and download a Megaman X rom, and enjoy. Then, when you find yourself humming along to the soundtrack, go on Youtube and see all the random people that do guitar-track versions of those tunes just because they love them.

Agreed. I'd call it a failing of our own species if we have to liken something to humanity in order to deem it worthy of existence. How about we don't hurt animals needlessly just because?

Does this mean that the barbarian will be rewritten as an angst-ridden teenager with amnesia?

I was about to say, the donut thing only assumes the top middle of the map is 'the north pole' or equivalent. If it was further down, well...

Aaaaaaand ruined by Dubstep. Moving on...

That Princess Ruto costume is amazing. It also took me a while to figure out the piranha plant!