
This is indeed great news. Let's hope being 'more ambitious' means getting rid of the F2p model.

Spotted Ripper Street in there, and I highly recommend it.

KOTOR 2, I mean.

Isn't there a video game company that makes a lot of money doing clone-types for ipad and stuff? I'm sure there is. They don't seem to get in any trouble.

I'm guessing he's trying to use the publicity.

"And it doesn't even look like a next-gen game, if someone showed me this and told me, "Hey, this is a next-generation game" I'd honestly just laugh in their face."

Why not just buy them for PC? At least then you can use the fanmod to make KOTOR feature complete.

I'm a little confused as to why you'd keep an xbox for this game when the PC version is superior and has a lively modding community, therefore breathing new life into a classic - and a very good reason for anyone to replay it again, and again. It'd save you keeping old hardware around.

He'll get away with it just fine, as long he and others don't keep drawing comparisons to Capcom. There are a zillion games that are 'clones' of others, it's nothing new.

Releasing on consoles is perfectly viable once the game has been Kickstarted and released on PC, and therefore gained buzz. Trying to get onto a console without a publisher or a proven popularity is difficult. You can't just announce 'Imma gonna be on 3DS'.

I was about to be really offended at the generalisations here, but then you said white American males so I'm in the clear. Carry on.

I doubt that's the defining reason. I'd say it has more to do with a) cost and b) the fact you already have some kind of automatic rifle and a knife, and for the same reason in the armed forces not everyone is also issued with an RPG.

I just watched that, and Mythbusters say yes. Have you actually watched your own vid? ;-)

It is, and it's perplexing that they are allowed to get away with it.

Shooting at two different targets at the same time?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you get automatic pistols? And therefore, can't you fire one from each hand? I get that it's stupid with old flintlock pistols but duel wielding guns isn't a blanket 'no'.

That's also false equivalency. A corporation is not a person.

Yep. It's media like Kotaku pointing it out, then fanboys getting all hysterical that makes it what it is. Seen on their own, they are harmless japes.

You aren't wrong, but it'd still be excellent.

It's been re released multiple times yes, but it's not changed much. I'd like a Wind Waker-ised version. The graphics are the thing that dates it. With the cel-shaded cartoon look, it'd remain timeless.