
The guy has been around a long time and I'd argue his filmography is certainly worthy of note. '...most recently as Tywin Lannister' would've been appropriate, but the tone of the article suggests either a) he's never done anything worthy of note before or b) the reader is someone who has a very short attention span.

'Tywin Lannister's actor'. Of course, because no one would know who Charles Dance is.

I will never for the life of me understand issues of localisation for consoles and games.

This. Having said that, I'm fairly certain that Russian gamers really couldn't give two shit about the Xbox One. They've always been big on PC gaming, primarily.

Steam's reputation and good will has been built over time because of sound business models and customer care. Microsoft has ZERO good-will. Especially as it's all for naught the next time they want you to buy their next Xbox.

The new Rise of the Triad is what to aim for, IMO.

This isn't as well thought out as it could've been. It's not as clever as I expected. For instance I would've gone this for DOS/Win 3.1 (ie a really nice car driving a shitty caravan):

I think it only appeared stable to those that were used to early Windows 95/DOS/Win 3.1 days where the odd crash was part of the daily routine along with fiddling with settings for hours just to get a specific game working. Stable in real terms it most certainly was not.

I'm not sure how you reconcile being a defensive fan of Adventure Time with that total lack of a sense of humour.

Not heard of Skydrive, hombre? Not only is it a free cloud-based storage (available on PC, natch), it's Microsoft. Still think it's a sweet deal?

It's weird to see people justifying the xbox charging for something that's free on any other platform by citing 'quality of service'. All this stuff has/is/will ever be free on the PC and that's the best service available.

Thanks for at least responding without the spitting venom that at least one reply has. I actually know they rotate them, I just think Darwin vs Austen doesn't begin to compare, frankly. I'm sure they could've come up with at least a female scientist: Mary Anning, Mary Somerville, Dorothy Hodgkin, Rosalind Franklin...

Sidenote: I don't have a problem with Jane Austen appearing on an English note. I do have a problem with Charles Darwin's position being usurped.

Satire it may be, but it didn't require a Kickstarter to make a Youtube video, did it?

I'm not sure which is more inaccurate here, the over-the-top posh PC player or the down-to-earth reasonable 'we just want to hang out with friends' console-players in online multiplayer.

Where as I, literally never play online multiplayer in any real sense. I only play with people I know.

I'm fairly certain this is an actual model diorama, rather than CGI (the mossy grass gives it away), which would actually be doable (if expensive) today. You can make a video game using entirely stop-motion animation, and Pikmin is a game I think would look absolutely charming in that style.

No, I'm saying that can't say what's good about it, because of the piracy issue, because what's good about it is emulation.

My pet hate is that games tend to have subtitles on by default. When I get a new game, I always forget to check the options first, and start it ready to be absorbed in some fantastical world..only to groan in dismay as I see whole sentences popping up on the screen that I can read faster than the voice actors are

Now playing

For those of you disappointed like me that the video is just an intro that shows you nothing, here's some game play footage I found in about 2 seconds, because apparently I have to do Kotaku's job for them. Excuse the Russian VO. Gameplay footage starts at 0:39