
It was always going to be on Mac.

This company is 'with the times'. The issue isn't that they didn't plan a Mac release, because they have, it's just that it's still not out yet.

It was always going to be available, he wanted to show support for the developer, and buying it on Steam guaranteed cross-platform play. What's the problem with that? It's just a pre-order.

Let's be honest here, it's just a picture of a plant leaf. People wear poppies in the UK for Remembrance Sunday, but it's a source of Opium.

At its most cynical, it's a teenage thing, or a very immature thing. At its most optimistic, people see it as a political statement.

The backlash this console receives is perplexing bordering on suspicious. We all know this console was mainly going to be used for emulation, yet because media sites can't be seen to be promoting something that may encourage piracy, all we hear about is how crap the store is. You buy this console because you want to

I did, for emulation.

CGI Zelda thoughts:

" If I wanted a true test of how it feels to play the Rift for long stretches of time, I'd have to play a game that it was designed to work with"

orange trees?

I use walkthroughs if I'm

If the game actually looked like this picture, I would buy a Wii U.

Now playing

Damn when you said 'classic Warcraft song' I thought you meant this:

The release is timed to begin hype for the sequel. Otherwise, I'm not sure they would have bothered with it.

I don't think you'll have much buyers remorse unless you've got the tv-PC hook-up an a stonking system. This is very much in the 'couch game' category for me, but then all 3rd person action games are.

The big castle is in there. There's quite a few levels in it, actually.

For those that still haven't played this, prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

The second look is appreciate, Stephen. Like I said, I'm sure they have the best of intentions but it did come off a bit cheeky.

Isn't this completely superfluous? Or is he trying to take credit for what Rocksteady already did in the first two games? How can I feel like Batman playing this game more than I already felt like Batman in the previous two?